你家狗狗的问题叫做“吸气阵发性呼吸”, 很像突然不明原因的急促打呼噜的,倒气儿的声音。英文名又叫“反打喷嚏”, 是一种只有在狗身上才观察到的现象,是狗狗过敏引起(螨虫,或者突然呼吸进的小毛毛等异物),或者呼吸道突然受到什么刺激,通常在小睡醒来后,熟睡中,玩耍后,进食后会突发。 虽然狗狗发作的时候很不舒服,但是临床医学上并未发现任何对狗有害的后果。
Reverse sneezing (also called backwards sneezing) or inspiratory paroxysmal respiration is a phenomenon observed in dogs, particularly in those with brachycephalic skulls. Its exact cause is unknown but may be due to nasal, pharyngeal, or sinus irritation (such as an allergy), the dog's attempt to remove mucus, or from over-excitement due to present activity.
症状特点是急促而反复的,被迫性往里吸气,伴有似乎是打呼噜的声音或是嘴被捂住的声音。迄今为止没有过任何狗狗由此而导致伤害的纪律(译者注释:也就是说没大事儿!)大部分的狗在一生中会有 ”反打喷嚏“的症状。
It is characterized by rapid and repeated forced inhalation through the nose, accompanied by snorting or gagging sounds. Though it may be distressing to the animal, it is not known to be harmful. Most dogs are completely normal before and after episodes. In addition, most dogs will have repeat episodes of reverse sneezing throughout their lives.
根据Freeman医生的观察,在反打喷嚏中的狗,通常会急促性的深呼吸,肃静的站着,头脖子深向前, 做出紧促狂打呼噜似的声音
According to Dr. Holly Freeman DVM, "During a reverse sneeze, the dog will make rapid and long inspirations, stand still, and extend his head (and neck). A loud snorting sound is produced...."
倒打喷嚏通常在狗狗睡觉或刚睡醒来后发生。也有的狗狗在玩耍,锻炼,或进餐时候发生。但是,发作通常没有任何规律性。 小型犬更易发生此现象,但任何狗品种都可能发生,无论大小。
Reverse sneezing also commonly occurs while the dog is asleep or immediately following a long nap. Other dogs may experience it following play, exercise, or meals. However, episodes are typically random. Though smaller dogs seem slightly more susceptible to reverse sneezing, any dog can develop it, regardless of size.
或者也可能是狗狗患有气管塌陷 。
Differential diagnoses include tracheal collapse.
通常的处理方法是掐一掐狗狗的鼻子,挠挠它的喉咙。 轻轻的对着它的脸吹起也会有帮助。另外,抚摸它的皮毛来帮助它镇定下来。 尽管大部分狗狗不需任何治疗,极为个别的常发作的狗狗需用抗组胺药和类固醇来处理 (译者:这个我不建议,除非你的狗狗一天几十次的发作,否则不要,因为这两种药都有很大的副作用,会损害狗狗的多个内脏功能)。
A common remedy is to pinch the dog's nose and scratch its throat. Lightly blowing in its face may also help. The dog will swallow a couple of times and then stop the reverse sneezing. Additionally, calming the dog down by rubbing its sides or back also helps to end the episode more quickly. While most dogs do not require medication, antihistamines and steroids may help if the problem is serious, chronic, and allergy-related.
好啦我翻译完了,我不是专业翻译所以中文显得生硬,但是所表达的意思都保证精确无误。 希望对你家小宝有所帮助!!
我家小狗也经常性这样,兽医说感冒就会有这个症状。空气不好 或者过热时也容易这样。不过没什么影响。