
2024年11月17日 12:58

They are people living in the bottom of society。They are people who live in the mud。The living environment around them like mud for reconstruction of their own.All of them are in fact living in china's migrant workers a small part of the insignificant, but map all " mud people " life。They like mud and its simplicity, and plasticity of life, and they are not hard and beautiful shell packing their own, like mud let it be living in the bottom of society, and they also like mud, is an integral part of this made us a better life。Documentary mud is a record of the " People now had one brick kiln plant workers in the film.


They, is life in the bottom of society crowd; They lived in mud; They like mud because of the same living environment to reshape around oneself. They actually just live in China all the migrant workers a fraction of the trivial, but mapping all "mud" life status. They like, like the mud of the plain, and life itself, they have no hard plasticity and luxuriant shell packaging themselves, like mud as happy-go-lucky life at the foot of the social ladder, they also like mud, is to create our beautiful as the essential part of daily life. But the documentary is a record of the mud brick kilns factory has a rare moment of the workers living film.