全球化的趋势下 我怎么做 英语文章

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2025年02月23日 13:27

从当今世界经济发展状况来看,有这样几种趋势值得我们注意。一是世界经济技术合作加强,全球化趋势愈益明显。经济市场化、贸易与投资国际化、区域经济合作化的步伐加快,各国经济联系日益紧密,相互依存度增加,合作增强,摩擦和竞争也在加剧。全球市场、资金、资源的争夺矛盾更加尖锐,世界范围的贸易竞争和国与国之间经济实力的较量越来越激烈。二是世界科技革命突飞猛进,各国更加重视发展高新技术和关键技术。国际上有这样一种说法,下一个世纪将进入信息经济、科技先导型经济和可持续发展经济的时代。新技术革命正在改变着传统的生产方式,已经成为现代经济增长的主要推动力量。三是国际金融越来越活跃,对经济发展的影响越来越大。近些年,国际资本流动加快,但金融风险也随之加大,金融市场动荡不定,特别是今年发生的东南亚金融风波,波及世界许多地区。我们要密切注视国际金融市场的变化,借鉴其他国家的经验教训,为我所用,努力做到趋利避害。 In today's world economy development situation, there are worth our attention to this trend. One is to strengthen the economic and technical cooperation, addressing the trend of globalization. Economic marketization and internationalization of trade and investment, and accelerate the regional economic co-operation, economies increasingly interlinked, increase mutual dependence, strengthen cooperation, friction and competition has intensified. The global market, capital, resources for the contradiction sharpened, world trade competition between countries and the increasingly fierce competition of economic strength. Second is the revolution of science and technology are advancing by leaps and bounds countries pay more attention to the development of high and new technology and key technology. There is such a world, the next century will enter information economy, science and technology straight-pilot economy and sustainable development of the economy. The new technology revolution is changing the traditional mode of production, has become a modern economic growth of main driving force. Three is more active in international financial and economic development is more and more big. In recent years, the international capital flows faster, but also increase the financial risk, financial market, especially the volatile financial crisis of southeast Asia this year, spread to many parts of the world. We must pay close attention of international financial market changes, learn from the experience of other countries, such as teaching, and strive to achieve the disadvantages.