The paper, from three aspects, gives a introduction of the open access of periodicals in library information science at home and abroad, and points out the existent problems and countermeasures in this field. (后半句也可以用 pointing out the existent problems and countermeasures in this field.)
monkey05_44 - 见习魔法师 二级: 没有翻译好“图书情报学”,并且没有理解。不是“图书情报学期刊的开放存取”(the open access of library information periodicals ),而是“在图书情报科学这一领域中,期刊的开放存取”(the open access of periodicals in library information science )
4266 - 魔法师 四级 :英语基本知识值得置疑。
This text introduction from three introduced domestic and international book intelligence report a semester to publish of open an access(open access) circumstance, point out that realm opens to access an existent problem and the counterplan.
This article introduced introduced from three aspects the domestic and foreign books information science periodical opening deposit and withdrawal (open access) the situation, points out this domain opening deposit and withdrawal existence the question and the countermeasure.
The paper gives a detailed intrduction of the open access of library information periodicals at home and abroad from three aspects, pointing out the downsides and countermeasures in this field.
This presentation introduced and books from the three areas of information science periodicals opening visit (open access), noted that the open fields to visit the problems and responses.