
2024年11月30日 05:51

例句:1、If the soil is allowed to dry out the tree could die.如果让土壤干硬,树就会死掉。
2、We were able to gauge the strength of the wind from the movement of the trees.我们可根据树的摇动估计风力。
3、The trees were all bent and twisted from the wind.那些树全都被风吹得东倒西歪的。
4、These trees provide the raw material for high-quality paper.这些树是制造优质纸张的原料。
5、I was aiming at the tree but hit the car by mistake.我对准树射击,不料误中了汽车。
6、I drew a tree diagram to illustrate the organizational structure of the company.我画了一个树状图来说明公司组织架构。
7、In autumn, the leaves of these trees fall down.到了秋天,这些树的叶子都落了下来。
8、We sat under a tree for shade.我们坐在树下乘凉。