
2024年12月01日 09:41

  1 。当他杀死了看守的战俘很快将他的灌木丛。

  2 。渔民和水手有时声称看到怪物在海上。

  3 。他现在退出政治生活。


  5 。我的所有症状,一般人放弃吸烟。
  6. He believes that as a result of this test is easy. (think it easy)

  7. I do the dishes tonight. (wash up)

  8. It is built of glass and iron. (be made of)

  9. I used to travel by plane. (be used to doing)

  10. I'm sure this is my last cigarette. (be sure, cigarette)

  1 ,手术持续了四个多小时,被证明是非常困难的。

  2 。斯诺奠定厚在地面上。

  3 。这不是很久以前直升机赶到现场营救幸存者的飞机坠毁。

  4 ,未来汽车没有考虑他到巴黎的市中心,他希望这将。

  5 。他通过大量的食物。

  6. They feel ashamed. (sb. have been put to shame)

  7. Usual, he asked the same stupid question. (as usual, silly)

  8. They made no secret. (make no effort)

  9. Do not disturb him, and he in a bad mood. (disturb, in a bad mood)

  10. The door is locked, I would not go out. (lock, get out)

  71. Our pastor was suddenly awakened. (wake up with a start)

  72. What do you do in this top? (Whatever)

  73. You really surprised me. (do + v.)

  74. Goddess who is the original appearance of a very modern girl. (turn out to be; modern-looking)

  75. He felt that the higher status, loss of money is worth. (rise in status; be well worth sth.)

  76 。人们谁在办公室工作经常提到的'白领“ 。

  77 。他太忙了帮助自己的钻石通知任何疼痛。

  78 。去的地方,它留下的线索死鹿和小动物,如兔子。

  79 。 13 ,不如一个,但它是聊胜于无。

  80 。这座城市在同一时间必须是繁荣的,因为它享有很高的文明程度。

  71. He will earn only half of his. (half as much as)

  72. Puma is a large cat-like animal. (cat-like)

  73. Let's go down a cup of tea now.

  74. Our pastor was suddenly awakened. (wake up with a start)

  75. What do you do in this top? (Whatever)
  76 。这座城市在同一时间必须是繁荣的,因为它享有很高的文明程度。

  77 。该机构的一个雕像被发现之间仍然追溯到公元前15世纪

  78 。当他结了婚,阿尔夫是不好意思说什么他的妻子对他的工作。

  79 。很多人都愿意牺牲更高的支付有幸成为白领工人。

  80 。他认为,他的地位的上升是非常值得的金钱损失。


1 。当他杀死了看守的战俘很快将他的灌木丛。
2 。渔民和水手有时声称看到怪物在海上。
3 。他现在退出政治生活。
4 。仅有一次,我都觉得害怕。
5 。我的所有症状,一般人放弃吸烟。
6. They feel ashamed. (攻击都已付诸耻辱)
7. Usual, he asked the same stupid question. (像往常一样,傻)
8. They made no secret. (作出不遗余力)
9. Do not disturb him, and he in a bad mood. (打扰,在心情不好)
10. The door is locked, I would not go out. (锁,走出)
71. Our pastor was suddenly awakened. (唤醒了启动)
72. What do you do in this top? (无论)
73. You really surprised me. (不+诉)
74. Goddess who is the original appearance of a very modern girl. (变成现代的前瞻性)
75. He felt that the higher status, loss of money is worth. (上升状态;是非常值得做某事.)
76 。人们谁在办公室工作经常提到的'白领“ 。
77 。他太忙了帮助自己的钻石通知任何疼痛。
78 。去的地方,它留下的线索死鹿和小动物,如兔子。
79 。 13 ,不如一个,但它是聊胜于无。
80 。这座城市在同一时间必须是繁荣的,因为它享有很高的文明程度。

71. He will earn only half of his. (一半多)
72. Puma is a large cat-like animal. (猫样)
73. Let's go down a cup of tea now.
74. Our pastor was suddenly awakened. (唤醒了启动)
75. What do you do in this top? (无论)
76 。这座城市在同一时间必须是繁荣的,因为它享有很高的文明程度。
77 。该机构的一个雕像被发现之间仍然追溯到公元前15世纪
78 。当他结了婚,阿尔夫是不好意思说什么他的妻子对他的工作。
79 。很多人都愿意牺牲更高的支付有幸成为白领工人。
80 。他认为,他的地位的上升是非常值得的金钱损失。