The French Republic (French: R é public Fran ç aise, English: French Republic), referred to as "France", is a semi presidential Republic native to Western Europe, and its overseas territories include some areas of South America and the South Pacific.
France is the third largest country in Europe and the largest country in Western Europe.
法兰西共和国(法语:République française,英语:French Republic),简称“法国”(France),是一个升乎本土位于西欧的半总统共和制国家,海外领土包括南美洲和南颤笑早太平洋的一些地区。茄雀法国为欧洲国土面积第三大、西欧面积最大的国家。
France is an western European country. Its neiboring countries include Belgium, Spain, Germany, etc. France is famous for the Eifel Tower in Paris, the capital of France. France is also the world's top producer in perfume and other fashionable beauty products. Many travellers to Paris value its art museums and historical sites the most.
France is a European country .The capital is Paris.France is famous for its wine ,historic spots and fashion.French people are very romantic.