取消MyEclipse更新:window -> preferences -> General -> Startup and Shutdown -> 取消勾选 "Automatic Updates Scheduler(自动更新调度程序)"
取消 Maven4MyEclipse 插件更新:Window -> Preferences -> Myeclipse Enterprise Workbench -> Maven4Myeclipse -> Maven -> 取消勾选"Download repository index updates on startup(下载库索引更新)"。
取消显示 MyEclipse Dashboard:Window -> Preferences -> Myeclipse Enterprise Workbench -> Maven4Myeclipse -> MyEclipse Dashboard -> 取消勾选"Show MyEclipse Dashboard on startup(启动时显示 MyEclipse Dashboard)"
1、打开Windows > Preferences > MyEclipse > Community Essentials,把选项 "Search for new features on startup"勾掉;
2、禁用myeclipse updating indexes,禁用办法如下:打开Window => Preferences => Myeclipse Enterprise Workbench => Maven4Myeclipse => Maven=>取消勾选Download repository index updates on startup。
window->preferences->General->Startup and Shutdown 把右侧列表中 “Automatic Updates Scheduler” 取消选择