
2024年12月01日 09:40

Please help inform your designer that it is very important to select the "A" color mode, rather than the "A1" color mode, when saving these draft drawings, thus preventing the wrong color from occuring in the batch printing.
Please use this color model in the present and later draft drawings.


Please inform your designer, in time to keep these drawings, please select "A" color mode, rather than "A1" color mode, this is very important, can avoid the wrong color appears in the batch printing. Please this color model used in the present and future of the artwork.



It will take another 10 days to make the box model after completing the products.

It requires 40 days' time to produce the cover's sample after the product been approved.


Please tell your designer, please use color mode A rather than AI to keep the drawing, which is very important and can avoid printing in the wrong color in the batch printing. Please keep using this color model used in the current and future artwork.