select *
from table ###
where not exists (
select * from table ###
where # = #
and ## < ##
在使用mysql时,有时需要查询出某个字段不重复的记录,虽然mysql提供 有distinct这个关键字来过滤掉多余的重复记录只保留一条,但往往只用它来返回不重复记录的条数,而不是用它来返回不重记录的所有值。其原因是 distinct只能返回它的目标字段,而无法返回其它字段,这个问题让我困扰了很久,用distinct不能解决的话,只有用二重循环查询来解决。
给个例子把,比如:表table_a 4条数据
id A B C D
01 ab 1a2 1b2 121
02 ab 2a3 3b3 4a1
03 ac 1a2 1b2 121
04 ac 2a4 3b2 52g
何让A字段重复取条 比
01 ab 1a2 1b2 121
03 ac 1a2 1b2 121
select *
from table_a a
where not exists (
select 1 from table_a b
where b.A = a.A
and <
select max(id) as id,fid,title,date from table group by fid,title,date
select * from (select * from a order by id desc) as b group by fid