
2024年11月16日 02:57

英文:Alarm clock。


  1. 闹钟确实响了,但我只是打了个哈欠,翻个身又接着睡着了。

    The alarm did go off but all I did was yawn, turn over and go back to sleep. 

  2. 闹钟的簧断了。

    The main spring of the alarm clock is broken. 

  3. 安德鲁,很抱歉我迟到了。我忘了设闹钟,结果睡过头了。

    I'm really sorry I'm late, Andrew. I forgot to set my alarm and I overslept. 

  4. 我忘了定闹钟,结果睡过了头。

    I forgot to set my alarm and I overslept. 

  5. 收音机闹钟会一直响到你起床为止。

    Clock-radios blast away until you get up. 

  6. 她定了闹钟,以便及时醒来给两个儿子服药。

    She set the alarm so she'd wake up in time to give her two sons their medication. 

  7. 如果他把闹钟设在午夜响,那会把全家人都吵醒的。

    If he set his alarm clock for midnight, it would wake the whole house 

  8. 如果带着闹钟让你感到心里踏实,那就值得携带。

    If an alarm gives you that feeling of security, then it's worth carrying. 

  9. 看在上帝的份上,谁去关掉那个闹钟吧。

    Will somebody for God's sake shut that alarm off. 

  10. 他怕醒晚了,总是在床头桌上放一个闹钟。

    He is afraid of waking up late, and so he always has an alarm on his bedside table.



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闹钟 Alarm Clock;alarm clock;clock
闹钟管家 AlarmManager;Alarmmaster
完美闹钟 NiceAlarm;Alarm Clock Plus Dock;VerySoft Nice Alarm


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alarm clock

