
2025年03月01日 03:26


建筑物的建设过程是从基础到上部结构,而设计的顺序则是从上往下。过去基础并没有被系统地研究。直到20世纪,基础设计才作为一个科学分支发展起来。Karl Terzaghi 的开拓性研究,通过运用土力学知识结合现场勘测和检验程序是的准确预报基础的行为成为可能。此后,基础事故变得很少。基础仍是许多建筑中不显眼但昂贵的一部分。
将钢结构和混凝土结构组合在一起的一些结构体系也得到了发展,其中一个例子就是由 Skidmore、Owings和Merrill 发展的一种复合体系。这种结构体系外围是钢筋混凝土筒而内部是钢框架,这样就结合了钢筋混凝土结构和钢结构的优点。在New Orleans 的52层的One Shell Square Building 就是基于这种结构体系建造的。
The structure and development of the building
Civil engineering which is the oldest of the engineering specialties in the world, is the planning, design, construction, and management of the built environment. This environment includes all structures built according to scientific principles, from irrigation and drainage systems to rocket-launching facilities.
Materials and structural forms are combined to make up the various parts of a building, including the load-carrying frame, skin, floors, and partitions. The building also has mechanical and electrical systems, such as elevators, heating and cooling systems, and lighting systems. The superstructure is that part of a building above ground, and the substructure and foundation is that part of a building below ground.
The construction of a building proceeds naturally from the foundation up to the superstructure.The design process,however,proceeds from the roof down to the foundation(in the direction of gravity),In the past,the foundation was not subject to systematic investigation.A scientific approach to the design of foundations has been developed in the 20th century.Karl Terzaghi of the United States pioneered studies that made it possible to make accurate predictions of the behavior of foundations,using the science of soil mechanics coupled with exploration and testing procedures.Foundation failures of the past,such as the classical example of the leaning tower in Pisa,have become almost nonexistent.Foundations still are a hidden but costly part of many buildings.
The form of a building is an outgrowth of its function, its environment, and various socioeconomic factors. An apartment building, an office building, and a school differ in form because of the difference in the functions they fulfill. In an apartment building every habitable space, such as living rooms and bedrooms, must have natural light from windows while bathrooms and kitchens can have artificial light and therefore can be in the interior of the building. This set of requirements places a natural limit on the depth of an apartment building. In office buildings, on the other hand, artificial light is accepted for more uniform illumination, and therefore the depth of such buildings is not limited by a need for natural light.
Environment may affect ing blank walls toboth the shape and appearance of a building. An urban school may create its own environment by us seal out the city completely, and a country school may develop as an integral part of the landscape, even though both schools fulfill the same function.
Finally, the form of a building is affected by a variety of socioeconomic factors, including land costs, tenancy, building budget, and zoning restrictions. High land costs in urban areas result in high buildings, while low land costs in the country result in low buildings. A housing project for the rich will take a different form than a low-cost housing project. A prestige office building will be more generously budgeted for than other office buildings. The bulk of a building and its outline may be limited by zoning restrictions.In all these examples, buildings with similar functions take on different forms.
Architecture is the art of building. Virtually all architecture is concerned with the enclosure of space for human use. The precise activities to be housed in any specific building--ranging from an assembly line in a factory to a living room in a home--should dictate the size and shape of the several areas within. These spaces also must be arranged in some logical relation to each other. Furthermore, the movement of human beings within the building "circulation" in architectural parlance--requires halls, stairs, or elevators whose size is governed by the expected load of traffic. The plan of a structure, always the first consideration of an architect, is the resolution of these different purposes into an organization of spaces that will fulfill the intent of the building. Good planning guides the visitor to his destination in the structure and impresses him, perhaps subconsciously, by visibly relating the several units of the edifice. Conversely, a bad plan results in inconvenience, waste, and visual confusion.
Although there have been many advancements in building construction technology in general, spectacular achievements have been made in the design and construction of ultrahigh-rise buildings.
The early development of high-rise buildings began with structural steel framing. Reinforced concrete and stressed-skin tube systems have since been economically and competitively used in a number of structures for both residential and commercial purposes. The high-rise buildings ranging from 50 to 110 stories that are being built all over the United States are the result of innovations and development of new structural systems.
Systems compiling both concrete and steel have also been developed,an example of which is the composite system developed by Skidmore,Owings & Merrill in which an exterior closely spaced framed tube in concrete envelops an interior steel framing,thereby combining the advantages of both reinforced concrete and structural
steel systems.The 52—story One Shell Square Building in New Orleans is based on this system.
Greater height entails increased column and beam sizes to make buildings more rigid so that under wind load they will not sway beyond an acceptable limit. Excessive lateral sway may cause serious recurring damage to partitions, ceilings, and other architectural details. In addition, excessive sway may cause discomfort to the occupants of the building because of their perception of such motion. Structural systems of reinforced concrete, as well as steel, take full advantage of the inherent potential stiffness of the total building and therefore do not require additional stiffening to limit the sway.