丝绸之路始于公元前2世纪Han Emperor派遣张骞出使西域的时期。它是世界上最伟大、最重要的贸易通路之一,是连接中国和欧洲、东方和西方的陆路通道。“One Belt and One Road”是担任中国最高领导人之后提出的重要国际性合作initiative之一。“一带”是指“丝绸之路经济带”,“一路”是指“21世纪海上”Maritime”。“One Belt and One Road”的建设,顺应了全球化趋势和各国共同合作的愿望,有着良好的发展前景。
The silk road began in the second Century BC Han Emperor sent Zhang Qian to the western regions of the period. It is one of the greatest and most important trade routes in the world. It is a land passage connecting China and Europe, the East and the West. "Belt and One Road One" is one of the important international cooperation initiative proposed by China's top leaders. "Area" refers to the Silk Road Economic Zone, the way is to refer to the sea in twenty-first Century Maritime". "Belt and One Road One" construction, conform to the trend of globalization and the aspirations of the common cooperation of all countries, has a good development prospects.