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2025年03月21日 07:03

Recent years,with the aggravated surge of Global Financial Intergration and finacial market.risk managerment of commercial bank gets always to be the focus attention both in domesitc and foreign finacial field.The consummation of the risk managerment of commercial bank are closely related to the risk managerment ability of a bank,while directly deciding the sustainable development of a commercial bank. Compared to the history of the development of commercial bank in some developed countries,our country' commercial bank starts relatively later,and irregularly expands.Faced with increasingly firece competiton.how to improve self-competitiveness and structure perfect system of risk managerment ,could be the most important issues that China bank ,especially commercial bank should be badly needed to slove.




In recent years, with global financial integration and financial market volatility aggravate, commercial bank risk management is always is the focus of the domestic financial circle. Commercial bank risk management mechanism is perfect, the relationship of the bank risk management ability, and good risk management ability and results directly related to the sustainable development of the commercial Banks. And the developed countries of the development of commercial Banks than history, our country commercial bank has a late start and its development is still is not standard, with the increasingly fierce competition, how to improve their own competitiveness, building perfect risk management system, and is the China banking especially commercial Banks were urgently needs to solve the problem.


Abstract: With the volatility of global financial integration and financial markets, risk management of commercial banks has been the focus that the financial of international and domestic pay attention to in recent years,. The adequacy risk management mechanism of the commercial bank is related to the bank's risk management capabilities, what is more, good risk management capabilities and effectiveness is directly related to the sustainable development of the commercial banks. China's commercial banks start late relatively and still not standardized compared with the develop history of commercial banks in developed countries, the important issues of China's banking sector, especially commercial banks need to address urgently is how to improve their competitiveness and to build a sound risk management system in the face of increasingly fierce competition.呵呵你看看行吗?