[ei] make take cake face game grape name eraser rain paint play gray day today May yesterday great steak late
[æ ] apple that map fat thanks hand candy cat man has have at carry can drank hamburger sandwich swam catch nap
[i: ] he she we me three see cheese sweep fifteen sheep queen bee tree tea teacher peach cream please eat clean season key sea between
[e ] pen bed yes dress ten never left restaurant dentist terrible help French yesterday went pencil leg head ready bread breakfast any many weather sweater
[ai ] bike like kite nine nice white write behind time five ice ride knife lie tie die my sky fly July buy right night light pie rice
[i ] is this it in six thin dish dentist interesting listen film dinner
drink visit give swim did English between exciting eraser wallet carry hurry city study history every hungry Monday Tuesday worry Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday cloudy sunny windy really
[əu] nose home rose go no piano photo cola soda cold boat
coat goat row yellow window below follow show snow
throw bowl know
[au] now how cow brown flower mouth mouse loudly sound playground house out about mountain found
[ɔ] dog hot box fox from blond sorry clock soccer on long popcorn off
lost want what watch wallet
[ɔ:] tall small ball walk talk fall always also fork horse forty short sports
morning popcorn door floor York store four your caught warm water
[ʌ] bus fun duck but sun under hungry hurry cut sunny London does some above come front worry money Monday brother mother young
[u:] zoo moon noodles tooth spoon food school afternoon too room boots do who whose to lose movie soon pool fruit juice blue glue ruler two
[u] book look cook foot good cookies classroom took sugar neighborhood
[ə:] shirt T-shirt skirt girl thirty first third thirteen thirsty purple curly
turkey purse nurse hamburger clerk her word world homework
[a:] car arm park dark scarf far large supermarket marker art arm are star
shark class glass father banana
[iə] ear dear hear near year deer cheer pioneer idea really beer here
[eə] bear pear wear there where pair hair chair scared careful
their share fair parent
[w] where what when which white whistle watch warm
[h] who whose how his
[θ] teeth mouth three third thirteen thirty thirsty thank think thin
thick math
[ð] they this that these those then there their the father mother
brother with
[z] rose nose these those his has Chinese sometimes always is
please excuse easy Wednesday zoo
[f] fan laugh enough photo dolphin
[ŋ] sing morning think thank monkey drink uncle England English
young song
[tʃ] chair cherry cheese chick chalk beach teach watch March
speech chess teacher China
[dʒ] jam orange jeep cabbage ginger jeans bridge January age join job subject biology June July