这么专业的内容应该找南京睿督(025 86583475)问问。
AS/NZS 3837 Method of test for heat and smoke release rates for materials and products using an oxygen consumption calorimeter (Cone-Calorimeter) 耗氧量法测定材料释热及烟雾释放速率方法.
类似标准:ISO 5660 (Cone-Calorimeter)
AS/NZS 3837 Method of test for heat and smoke release rates for materials and products using an oxygen consumption calorimeter (Cone-Calorimeter) 耗氧量法测定材料释热及烟雾释放速率方法.
AS/NZS 3837 类似标准:ISO 5660 (Cone-Calorimeter)
具体的测试内容还是找南京睿督吧(025 86583475)