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2025年03月01日 14:03

The discussion on the construction of GIS-based land reclamation management information system

Wang, Chunbo ; Wei, Zhongyi ; Fu, Shaohua ; Tong, Biao ;
Liaoning Provincial Communication College, Shenyang, China

This paper appears in: Geoinformatics, 2011 19th International Conference on
Issue Date : 24-26 June 2011
On page(s): 1 - 4
ISSN : 2161-024X
Print ISBN: 978-1-61284-849-5
Digital Object Identifier : 10.1109/GeoInformatics.2011.5980709
Date of Current Version : 12 八月 2011


In order to coordinate and integrate management of reclaimed and un-reclaimed land in the mining area, easy to search, query, statistics, analysis, and maintain the reality of land reclamation. Based on the software engineering, this paper analyses the overall structure of land reclamation management information system and some key issues in the process of building land reclamation management information system. This paper adopts component development method to build land reclamation management information system. Practice shows that land reclamation management information system can meet users business requirements, provide timely and accurate land reclamation data for related departments, and create necessary conditions for scientific decision of land reclamation and ecological rehabilitation.

