
2024年12月02日 09:11



  (1)下列说法正确的一项是(  )


  B、“ye yuan ji xi ying”都是整体认读音节。

  C、“西安(xi’an )、花儿(huar)、钥匙(yào shi)的注音是正确的。


  (2)下列没有错别字的一项是(  )

  A、见微知著 收益匪浅 神彩奕奕 纷至沓来

  B、走头无路 留恋往返 司空见惯 座无虚席

  C、实事求是 迫不及待 舍本逐末 邯郸学步

  D、脍炙人口 随心所浴 满山遍野 百衣百顺

  (3)下面选项中正确的一项是(  )




  (4)假如你正忙于做作业,一同学向你请教问题,回答用语最恰当的是(  )





  (5)下列句子中没有语病的一句是(   )





  (6)王安石的“千门万户曈曈日,总把新桃换旧符”描写的是(   )时的景象。

  A、清明节 B、元旦 C、春节   D、中秋节

  (7)你对“桑娜听到波涛的轰鸣和狂风的怒吼,感到心惊肉跳”这句话的正确理解是(  )




  (8)、下面句子中采用了什么描写方法,将序号填入括号内( )

  A、动作描写 B、语言描写 C、环境描写 D、神态描写 E、心理描写

  ①林子里静极了。沙沙的足音,听起来像是一曲悠悠的小令。( )


  他受的了……是他来啦?……” ( )

  ③他一句一句地审阅,看完一句就用笔在那一句后面画上一个小圆圈。 ( )

  ④他的脸变得很严肃、忧虑。 ( )

  (9)“忽如一夜春风来,千树万树梨花开”写的是 ( )

   A、春色 B、雪景 C、梨花 D、 果园

  (10)“看见了地堆枯蔫焦黄的马草—前些日子我卖给他的所有马草!”句中的破折号的作用是( )

   A、表示声音的延长 B、转折作用 C、解释说明作用 D、意思的递进



  余音绕( ) 妙笔生( ) 引人入( ) 美不胜( )

  雅( )共赏 独( )匠心 巧( )天工 脍( )人口





  小学六年级的生活一晃而过,真是____________ , __________________。(写两个表示时间易逝的成语)我即将升入中学了,我想用“_____________”来告诫自己,(填上恰当的名言警句或谚语等)使自己在今后的生活中,珍惜时间,勤奋学习。在即将离别之际,我还想祝愿我的同学_______________________!祝我的老师_______________!(每条横线上填写一个表示祝福的四字词语,不重复填词语)



  ①善:____________ ②诲:____________③之:_______________

  ④援:____________ ⑤缴:____________⑥之:________________


  小凡卡( )得到幸福,但他受尽了老板的折磨,生活没有( )了。他给乡下的爷爷写信,( )爷爷能接他回到乡下去,这是他美好的( )。信寄出后,他整天( )着。两个月过去了,爷爷没有来,他很( )。半年后,乡下捎来口信:爷爷死了,凡卡从此( )了。

  (5)根据课文内容判断,对的打“√”,错的打“× ”。(10分)

  1、“思援弓缴而射之”的正确停顿是“思援/弓缴/而射之”。 ( )

  2、《鲁宾逊漂流记》的作者是英国作家笛福。 ( )

  3、《伯牙绝弦》讲述了千古流传的高山流水遇知音故事,伯牙、子期的真挚情谊是交朋结友的千古楷模。 ( )

  4、《跨越百年的美丽》中的“美丽”就是指居里夫人美丽的容貌。 ( )

  5、《桃花心木》是我国台湾著名作家林清玄的一篇散文。文章采用了借物喻人的方法,其目的是为了说明育人之道。( )





  (3)“100%精品”说明这套书 ________________________



  2、小明正在阳台上浇花,楼下的阿姨说:“小明,你真可爱啊,我刚晾的被单也锦上添花了。” (3分)




  当我和童年告别时,没有和它握过手,没有和它谈过心,更没有向它说一声 “再见”。它不知不觉地离开了我——五年!记不清,算不准。


  我 ( 期望 盼望 愿望 )成天和他们在一起。终于和他们在一起了!



  我们在 (装满 充满 饱满)神秘、哲理的松坡林里捉迷藏,你找,我躲;这儿一角衣襟,那儿又冒出半截脑袋,林里充满了朗朗的笑声;……





  啊,我希望我的“好奇症” (继续 陆续 连续)发作下去,永远保持童心,永远在好奇中生活。永远过那追求、探索、惊奇、天真、快乐的儿童生活。童心,童心把我带回到五十个小朋友的欢快笑声之中。



  神奇(   ) 原因(   ) 调皮(  ) 探究(   )

  2、选择填空。文中用“( )”括住的内容写的是 ________的事。(2分)

  A、现在 B、童年 C、将来




  他没有和童年说“再见”的原因是_________________________________,他觉得留住童年就可以 ________________________________。















( ) 1. A. seed B. see C. sick
( ) 2. A. know B. how C. now
( ) 3. A. tail B. late C. fail
( ) 4. A. thin B. thank C. think
( ) 5. A. short B. shirt C. shorter
( ) 6. A. feel B. feet C. foot
( ) 7. A. meter B. matter C. match
( ) 8. A. Thursday B. Saturday C. Tuesday
( ) 9. A. watches B.watched C.watch
( ) 10. A. did B. do C. does



( ) 1. A. Yes, I can't.
B. Yes, I can.
C. No, I can.
( ) 2. A. They're yellow.
B. It's green.
C. It's 50 yuan.
( ) 3. A. She goes to school on foot.
B. She goes to the cinema on bus.
C. She goes to the hospital by bike.
( ) 4. A. It's summer.
B. It's Monday.
C. It's sunny.
( ) 5. A. I'm fine, thank you.
B. How are you?
C. I'm five, thanks.
( ) 6. A. Collecting stamps.
B. Playing football.
C. Watching TV.
( ) 7. A. She's 145cm.
B. He's 156cm.
C. She's 45kg.
( ) 8. A. She did my homework yesterday.
B. Mike cleaned the table.
C. She had a fever.
( ) 9. A. We're going to take a trip.
B. We read books.
C. They rowed boats.
( ) 10. A. Yes, he did.
B. No, he doesn't.
C. No, he isn't.


1. We ______________ many _____________ on our holiday.
2. I was ______________ yesterday. I had a ________________.
3. Jim ________________ presents for his __________________.
4. --- Did you go __________________ last weekend?
--- No, I _____________ hiking.
5. I can speak __________________ and __________________ well.




( ) 1. He cleaned __________ bedroom last Sunday.
A. he's B. his C. he
( ) 2. How _________ is your sister?
A. taller B. tallest C. tall
( ) 3. Does your brother ___________ football?
A. like B. likes C. liked
( ) 4. The drivers must stop at the _________ light.
A. yellow B. red C. green
( ) 5. We ___________ have a farewell party tomorrow.
A. are B. were C. are going to
( ) 6. --- What would you like?
A. I don't like beef. B. I'd like some chicken. C. I like beef.
( ) 7. --- I have a sore throat.
--- ________________
A. Excuse me. B. You are sad. C. I am sorry to hear that.
( ) 8. Amy likes painting. I'll give her some___________ as my presents.
A. coloured pencils B.CD C. chairs
( ) 9. My backpack is __________ and _____________ than yours.
A. bigger, heavy B. small, lighter C. bigger, heavier
( ) 10. Sarah ___________ sad. What's the matter _________ her?
A. look, and B. looks, and C. looks, with


1. --- ___________________________________________
--- My father is a cleaner.
2. --- How heavy is Sarah?
--- ___________________________
3. --- Did Lisa listen to music last night?
4. --- What is your brother doing now?
--- ______________________________________
5. --- _________________________________
--- No, I'm shorter than Tim.


1. Tom _________ ________ (起床) at six thirty every day.
2. Ten years later, I am _________ to ________ (想做) a doctor.
3. How ________ Mike __________(感觉) today?
4. I ________ and __________ (唱歌跳舞) with my mother yesterday morning.
5. Ben is very ______________ (伤心的) . Because he failed his _________(数学) test.


Amy: Hi, Tom.____________________
Tom: I picked apples on my uncle's farm.________
Amy: ________________________________
How did you go to the farm?
Tom: _______________________
Amy: Did you have a good time?
Tom: _______________________
Amy: Me too.


One day Ted left his house with six donkeys to go to the market(集市). After some time, he felt tired and rode one of them. He counted the donkeys, and there were only five, so he got off and went to look for the sixth. He looked and looked but couldn't find it. So he went back to the donkeys and counted them a second time. This time there were six, so he rode one of them again and they started.
After a few minutes he counted the donkeys a third time, and there were five! One of his friends passed when he was counting, and Ted said,"I left home with six donkeys. Then I had five. Then I had six again.And now I had only five. Look! One, two, three, four, five." But, Ted said the friends,"You're sitting on a donkey, too. That is the sixth! And you are the seventh."
( ) 1. That morning Ted went to the market with six donkeys.
( ) 2. Ted rode a donkey because he wanted to count them.
( ) 3. Ted counted five donkeys because one of them ran away.
( ) 4. His friend counted seven donkeys.
( ) 5. Ted was not very clever.

A crow(乌鸦) wanted to drink, but he can't find water. He looks here and there. At last, he cries,"I can see a jar(罐子) and there is some water in it." He tries to get to water, but he can't. "How can I get the water?" He cries, "I can put my break(鸟) quite close to it. But he can not drink. What can I do? I want to drink."
He looks here and there, then he picks up a small stone(石头) in his break and carries it to the jar of water and drops it into the jar. "Soon the water will be high in the jar and I can drink,"says the crow.
So he begins to do that until (直到)the water is high enough to drink.
( ) 1. What is the crow looking for?
A. Jar B. Water C. Food
( ) 2. Why can't he drink right now?
A. Water is in the jar.
B. He doesn't want to drink it.
C. The water isn't high enough for him drink.
( ) 3. Why does he pick up stones?
A. He wants to put them into the water.
B. He's playing a game.
C. He is very hungry.
( ) 4. What's the English meaning for "drop"?
A. put ... into ... B. put ... to ... C. carry ... to ...
( ) 5. Which title(题目) do you think is the best(最好)?
A. Thirsty Crow B. A Clever Crow C. A Crow and a jar of Water

Everybody has a home. Animals also have their homes. People live in many different kinds of houses. Animals have different kinds of houses, too.
Some animals live in holes under the ground. Woodchuck (山拔鼠) lives under the ground. Its home has two doors. If any enemy(敌人) comes in through(通过) on door. The woodchuck will go out through the other one. Some animals live in holes in trees. Squirrels build their nests high in the trees. Birds also live in holes in trees. And most of them live in their nests. Only hawks(鹰)build their nests high in the mountains.(山脉)
1. People live in different _______________.
2. Woodchucks live under the__________________.
3. Squirrels live in ____________high in the trees.
4. Most of birds live in______________________.
5. Hawks live in____________________ high in the mountains.



1. seed 2. how 3. tail 4. thank 5. shorter 6. feel 7. matter 8. Thursday 9. watches 10. does


1. ---What did your mother do this morning.
---She washed clothes.
2. --- Did he go to work by bike?
--- Yes, he did.
3. --- What did the girl do last night?
--- She learned English.
4. Mrs Wang is playing the piano.
5. --- What's the matter with you.
--- I have a fever.
6. --- What did the children do last Saturday?
--- They saw the bears.
7. --- Is the man watching TV?
--- No, he's playing chess.
8. --- What can you see on the farm?
--- I can see two goats.
9. --- Are you happy now?
--- No, I'm very angry.
10. My mother goes to the supermarket every day.


1. Can you do the morning exercises?
2. What colour are your new shoes?
3. How does Lily go to school?
4. What's the weather like today?
5. How are you?
6. Mary's father likes watching TV. What's Marry's father's hobby?
7. How tall is Ben?
8. What did Mike do yesterday?
9. What do you usually do on weekends?
10. Does John like playing football?


1. We took many pictures on our holiday.
2. I was tired yesterday. I had a cold.
3. Jim bought presents for his friends.
4. --- Did you go fishing last weekend?
--- No, I went hiking.
5. I can speak Chinese and English well.


一 词汇 (15分)
A: 我们都为考试后暑假制定了不同的计划,请根据提示将下列词汇和短语归类。
A. easygoing B. chess C. polite D. eat healthy food E. swimming F. nice G. get a part-time job H. computer I. delicious J. do more exercise K. have a cold L. go sightseeing
1. I have made many friends .They are __________, ____________ and _______ just like me .
2. We all have our own vacation plans . Some will join the _________ , ____________ or ______club .
3. Others are going to ________,_________, _________ and __________during the summer.
B: 根据各句提供的情景, 在空白处填上一个适当的单词。
1.Mary is a clever and hard-working girl, so she never _________ in many exams .
2. Yao Ming is very famous in NBA, which is short for National _________Association .
3. Many teenagers in China may enjoy the fast ___________ at the Mc Donald’s now .
4. Students should study hard instead of going to the Internet to talk ____________ .
5. We Chinese people usually use __________ to lift food to the mouth .
二 单项选择(20分)
1.---Do you surf the Internet on Saturdays and Sundays ? --- Yes, but _______ I don’t because I have a lot of homework to do .
A. some time B. sometime C. some times D. sometimes
2. _____ you enjoy many years of health and happiness !
A. Must B. Can C. May D. Need
3. --- Please take my seat , granny . ---Thank you very much for making ______ for me , my boy .
A. room B. a room C. the room D. rooms
4. --- ______ will our school sports meet be held ? --- In about two weeks .
A. How long B. How soon C . How often D. How far
5. --- That’s the most beautiful bird in the zoo , __________ ? --- No, I think the one in the cage is the most beautiful .
A. doesn’t this B. is it C. doesn’t it D. isn’t it
6. --- Mow many people were present at the meeting ? --- ________ two hundred , though there were some empty seats left .
A. At least B. At most C. At last D. At all
7.---Please ______ your coat, Bill . --- OK , Mum . It’s really very warm here .
A. put on B. take off C. take away D. put up