1《we are the world》世界一家,是希望世界和平,互帮互助的是为非洲筹款的。
2《Black Or White》是反种族歧视的
3《they don't care about us》也是反种族歧视的,这个歌是迈泄愤的那
4《Earth Song 》倡导保护地球环境的
5《Hael The World》听歌名就知道也是倡导保护环境的
6《we’ve had enough 》是一首反战歌,迈克尔是以这首歌抗议美军发动的伊拉克战争
7《what more can I give 》这首歌最早在1999年就创作出来, 并打算在韩国慈善演唱会上与帕瓦罗蒂合唱,后来因故取消。2001年9月11日, 美国遭遇恐怖袭击以后MJ再度把这只搁置的歌曲从地窖里翻出来,并号召了包括席琳迪翁在内的数名音乐界巨星合作录制好了这只慈善歌曲, 打算用来赈济911事件的受害者和家属。
8《man in the mirror 》镜中人,
9《gone too sone》这是一首写给爱滋病儿童的公益歌曲
10《The lost children 》不要字面翻译为迷失的孩子,
Earth Song
what about sunrise
what about rain
what about all the things
that you said we were to gain.. .
what about killing fields
is there a time
what about all the things
that you said was yours and mine...
did you ever stop to notice
all the blood we've shed before
did you ever stop to notice
the crying earth the weeping shores?
aaaaaaaaaah aaaaaaaaaah
what have we done to the world
look what we've done
what about all the peace
that you pledge your only son...
what about flowering fields
is there a time
what about all the dreams
that you said was yours and mine...
did you ever stop to notice
all the children dead from war
did you ever stop to notice
the crying earth the weeping shores
i used to dream
i used to glance beyond the stars
now i don't know where we are
although i know we've drifted far
hey, what about yesterday, what about us
what about the seas, what about us
the heavens are falling down, what about us
i can't even breathe, what about us
what about the bleeding earth, what about us
can't we feel its wounds, what about us
what about nature's worth, ooo,ooo
it's our planet's womb, what about us
what about animals, what about it
we've turned kingdoms to dust, what about us
what about elephants, what about us
have we lost their trust, what about us
what about crying whales, what about us
we're ravaging the seas, what about us
what about forest trails, ooo, ooo
burnt despite our pleas, what about us
what about the holy land, what about it
torn apart by creed, what about us
what about the common man, what about us
can't we set him free, what about us
what about children dying, what about us
can't you hear them cry, what about us
where did we go wrong, ooo, ooo
someone tell me why, what about us
what about babies, what about it
what about the days, what about us
what about all their joy, what about us
what about the man, what about us
what about the crying man, what about us
what about abraham, what was us
what about death again, ooo, ooo
do we give a damn
迈克尔杰克逊反战争的歌曲是《Heal The World》。这首歌旨在呼吁人们关注儿童福利,建立一个更加美好的世界。歌词中提到,“孩子们眼泪纵横,心中充满痛苦,我们应该做点什么”,以表达对战争和暴力所带来的痛苦的关注。