It's amazing how great modern CCM artists make theology so simple: "We will find hope if we pray." There's also the soulful and bouncy hope that Jesus will return "One Fine Day," whose vocals are so seamless that to the casual genre fan, this might sound like Point of Grace. That spirit of lyrically positive, musically funky, and richly textured vocals by Steve and Da'Dra infuses the duo's fifth album, a thoroughly fresh reminder of God's love, faithfulness, and the power of prayer to sustain in good times and bad.
"We will find hope if we pray",现代福音的杰出艺人以‘祈祷就有希望’就让神学变得如此简单,确实使我们惊叹不已。还有那首充满感情、曲调欢快的"One Fine Day",对耶稣基督‘有一天’将回归人间,充满期望;对于一般类型的歌迷来说,他们天衣无缝的歌声,听起来也许像三人全女组合Point of Grace。Steve和Da'Dra在他们的第五张专辑,通过积极的歌词、欢快的乐感及优美的歌声,以崭新的方式提醒我们主的关爱,忠诚与祈祷的力量,无论是遭受好或坏的境遇。
Produced by a stellar list of producers (Mark Hammond, Tommy Sims, Christopher Harris, and Dan Muckala), this collection -- which balances the jumpy, shouting tracks, like "Rejoice," with more introspective meditational ballads, like "You'll Never Thirst" and "I'm Praying for You" -- pushes the envelope creatively, musically, and vocally, bringing out a distinctive sound in a group already known for a one-of-a-kind vocal talent. A little of the Babyface spirit infuses the acoustic guitar-driven "Things I Wish," adding yet more diversity. Depending on one's tolerance level for corny interludes, listeners may love or be very annoyed with the opening track, "Ashley's Prayer," and "Monty's Prayer," innocent prayers by children that add cultural import but distract from the flow of the music ever so slightly.
负责制作本专辑的是一系列星光闪耀的制作人(Mark Hammond, Tommy Sims, Christopher Harris及Dan Muckala),本专辑加入较多如"You'll Never Thirst" 和 "I'm Praying for You"等自省沉思的曲子,以平衡类似"Rejoice"的那种跳跃呐喊歌曲,使专辑在创意、乐感与音色方面更上一层楼;同时也将这个原以独具一格声乐才能著称的组合的风格,更彰显得与众不同。以原声吉他为主导的"Things I Wish",经过灌输吉他手Babyface的精粹神韵后更增加其多样性。取决于个人对陈腔滥调插曲的忍受度,听众可能喜爱或很讨厌专辑的首支歌曲 "Ashley's Prayer",以及有文化意义但稍微扰乱音乐流畅性的儿童天真祷告的"Monty's Prayer"。
(1995) is the best release by Anointed so far. 'The call' and 'grace enough','Not the I but you in me', 'Life is a Dream','its in Gods hands' and so on ,are very excellent music. Anointed presents a great gospel experience.This album carries one's soul to new heights. A beautiful Christian witness. The songs are very catchy and fun to listen to.
。。。(1995)是Anointed迄今所发行的最佳专辑。'The call'、'grace enough'、'Not the I but you in me'、'Life is a Dream'、'Its in Gods hands' 等等都是非常卓越优美的曲子。Anointed呈献一个印象深刻的福音体验;它让你的灵魂升华至更高的境界。这是一次美好的基督见证。所有的歌曲都朗朗上口,悦耳动听。
One Fine Day, 富有深情、荡气回肠,希望我主耶稣“总有一天”会重回人间。对音乐爱好者来讲它的音色是如此完美,就像Point of Grace。Steve 和 Da'Dra 制作的第五张专辑唱片, 以一种崭新的方式让人们重新体验上帝的关爱、信念、以及祈祷的力量,它极富积极意义,乐感欢快,音色优美而上口。
It's amazing how great modern CCM artists make theology so simple: "We will find hope if we
真让我惊奇 现代艺术家CCM使神学如此简单“如果我们祈祷,我们将找到希望。”
pray.There's also the soulful and bouncy hope that Jesus will return "One Fine Day," whose
vocals are so seamless that to the casual genre fan, this might sound like Point of Grace.
That spirit of lyrically positive, musically funky, and richly textured vocals by Steve and Da'Dra
这是一种属于性灵上的震撼,挑战极限,歌声超棒的STEVE出了他第五张专辑STEVE AND DA infuses the duo's fifth album, a thoroughly fresh reminder of God's love, faithfulness, and the
power of prayer togood times sustain in and bad. Produced by a stellar list of producers
(Mark Hammond, Tommy Sims, Christopher Harris, and Dan Muckala), this collection -- which
本书收集了Mark Hammond,Tommy Sims ,Christopher Harris,和Dan Muckala,
balances the jumpy, shouting tracks, like "Rejoice," with more introspective meditational
ballads, like "You'll Never Thirst" and "I'm Praying for You" -- pushes the envelope creatively,
musically, and vocally, bringing out a distinctive sound in a group already known for a one-of-a-kind vocal talent. A little of the Babyface spirit infuses the acoustic guitar-driven "Things I Wish," adding yet more diversity. Depending on one's tolerance level for corny interludes, listeners may love or be very annoyed with the opening track, "Ashley's Prayer," and "Monty's Prayer," innocent prayers by children that add cultural import but distract from the flow of the music ever so slightly.问题补充:
(1995) is the best release by Anointed so far. 'The call' and 'grace enough','Not the I but you in me', 'Life is a Dream','its in Gods hands' and so on ,are very excellent