As the only senior consultant from Ernst & Young's Performance Improvement in Dalian, I have tried my best(spare no effort) to cooperate with senior leaders and project managers to complete various projects in Dalian, and help them communicate with customers actively, satisfy their real needs and deliver the work with the high quality. On this basis, actively establish, maintain and strengthen internal and external relationships, and tap the potential business opportunities for EY. In 2011, with my efforts, I (不能用help) assisted directors in carrying out three new contracts in Dalian, the total amount of money add up to more than 15 million RMB. Dalian Finance Training Project has created a new Ernst & Young consulting business area. Internet of Things(你想表达?) is a new industry in China. As the well-known consulting firm, Ernst & Young firstly offered the Internet of Things(?) industrial strategic planning to the customers of Dalian Software Technology Park, meanwhile, also assisted the listing of Dalian High-tech Zone Internet of Things Industrial Base, helping the zone to settle the strategic development position and objectives. Low-carbon industry is one of the development goals in recent years, the “low-carbon industry strategic planning” project of Dalian High-tech Zone aims to help clients to settle development plan, implementate plan and so on, the project is also a demonstration project of Ernst & Young, a pacemaker in Ernst & Young internal project exchange. This year, I also assisted the partners in carrying out the projects billing(?) and find the best time of project billing, ensuring the customers’ smooth payments.Until now, the sum from the Dalian projects we actually got came to more than 10 million. In this year, in the continuous learning of knowledge of the new field , I basically completed the established goals; the goals of this year mainly in the following aspects were summarized by