你问我的祖国在何方,那我会骄傲地告诉你。世界的东方有位巨人,那位巨人就是我的祖国;世界的东方有一只雄鸡,那只雄鸡就是我的祖国;世界的东方有一条长龙,那条长龙就是我的祖国。我的祖国地大物博,疆域辽阔,美丽富饶。这个国家就是中国。 中华民族是一个历史悠久的民族,创造了璀璨的文化。在汉唐等时期,我们祖国曾经是世界上最文明、最强大的国家。但是,由于近代国家政治腐败,闭关自守,导致了国家国力衰微。1949年,毛泽东带领中国人民获得了民族的解放,邓小平为中华民族的振兴绘制了宏伟的蓝图,在中国共产党的领导下,经过改革开放的二十多年建设,我国经济高速发展,国家实力日益增强,人民生活水平迅速提高,祖国变得更美好中国走过了风风雨雨,历经了沧桑磨难,她今年57岁了。中国是个充满传奇色彩的神奇国度,若是你看到过57年前的中国,你一定不会想到今天的中国会是这样发达;若是你看到今天的中国,你一定不会想到57年前的中国会是那样腐朽,令人不堪回首。今天许多的外国人都会竖起大拇指夸赞:“中国的历史真辉煌!”对,这句话说的很对,我们中国的历史是很辉煌。我们中国有:孔夫子因材施教,李世民爱民如子,秦始皇四海归一,这些令人骄傲的典故说也说不完。中国的古诗词也值得一说,说到唐诗大家都知道诗仙李白和诗圣杜甫,他们的作品是青春的中国最壮丽的篇章,他们的作品是用方块汉字编织的最旖旎的风光! 中国这光辉的一面令人骄傲不已,但是中国受欺凌的那一面更让人痛苦不堪。八国联军,日本侵略者,这些代词让人咬牙切齿。还有慈禧太后,还有《辛丑条约》,《南京条约》,《马关条约》,这些条约令人痛苦不堪。 记住历史,展现今天,遥望明天。2003年10月15日和2005年10月12日是令华夏儿女激动流泪的日子。因为在这两个日子里,”神舟”五号"神舟”六号载人航天飞船将杨利伟,聂海胜,费俊龙三位中国人送入太空。中国的科技越来越发达。 看啊,这就是我的祖国——中华人民共和国!
China, people from impoverished: motherland, almost where many don't have enough to reform and opening, the national realize well-off and pace to better life strongly marching forward. In which appeared in many outstanding Chinese communist party member, appeared again with the how much people people's public servant. They lit a candle lights others and yourself for the party and people's sacrifice their own light and heat. By own practical action expounds the party's radiance, touched you my heart and lit you my heart to the party and the infinite love motherland.
The war so, peace in the construction and the like. Today and history also tells us: "that there would be no new China without the communist party!"
A history, with our party, heated the growth of our motherland excited surge. Party whenever I see DangQi, bright look is not in my heart, I firmly believe oneself follow party undying devotion of faith. Now a thermal power. I also want to devote their strength! I want to do a brick to construct motherland that prosperity building; I want to do a screw to laid tracks; the national towards brightness I want to do a tree grass for the motherland spring dedicate their lives green; I want to do a paintbrush, in building a new China blueprint under painted on excellent one!