
2025年03月19日 01:18

自1998年至2000年,有很多公司声称自己是第一个发明了USB闪存盘。包括中国朗科科技,以色列M-Systems,新加坡Trek公司。但是真正获得U盘基础性发明专利的却是中国朗科公司。 2002年7月,朗科公司“用于数据处理系统的快闪电子式外存储方法及其装置”(专利号:ZL 99 1 17225.6)获得国家知识产权局正式授权。该专利填补了中国计算机存储领域20年来发明专利的空白。该专利权的获得引起了整个存储界的极大震动。包括以色列M-Systems立即向中国国家知识产权局提出了无效复审,一度成为全球闪存领域震惊中外的专利权之争。但是2004年12月7日,朗科获得美国国家专利局正式授权的闪存盘基础发明专利,美国专利号US6829672。这一专利权的获得,最终结束了这场争夺。.中国朗科公司才是U盘的全球第一个发明者。美国时间2006年2月10日,朗科委托美国摩根路易斯律师向美国德克萨斯州东区联邦法院递交诉状,控告美国PNY公司侵犯了朗科的美国专利(美国专利号US6829672)。2008年2月,朗科与PNY达成庭外和解。朗科向PNY签订专利许可协议,PNY向朗科公司缴纳专利许可费用1000万美元。这是中国企业第一次在美国本土收到巨额专利许可费用.也进一步证明了朗科是U盘的全球发明者。




The inventor of the USB Flash drive is disputed by several companies, but most recognize Dov Moran of M-Systems (now owned by SanDisk) as the inventor.

The USB Flash Drive was introduced in 1998. The USB interfaced NAND memory was invented by Dov Moran. He worked for M-Systems, where the very first Flash Drive was manufactured.

Netac and Trek2000, Ltd. developed similar porducts about the same time. All three companies, M-Systems, Netac and Trek2000, have very similar and hotly disputed patents.

The first Flash Drive was manufactured and distributed in Europe under the "disgo" brand name. It was only available in four sizes; 8MB, 16MB, 32MB, and 64MB. The first distributor in North America was IBM.
The inventor of the USB Flash drive is disputed by several companies, but most recognize Dov Moran of M-Systems (now owned by SanDisk) as the inventor.

The USB Flash Drive was introduced in 1998. The USB interfaced NAND memory was invented by Dov Moran. He worked for M-Systems, where the very first Flash Drive was manufactured.

Netac and Trek2000, Ltd. developed similar porducts about the same time. All three companies, M-Systems, Netac and Trek2000, have very similar and hotly disputed patents.

The first Flash Drive was manufactured and distributed in Europe under the "disgo" brand name. It was only available in four sizes; 8MB, 16MB, 32MB, and 64MB. The first distributor in North America was IBM.

The history of flash drives is brief, but here's what we know so far. The birth of the flash drive is credited to Dr. Fujio Masuoka. He invented NOR and NAND Flash Memory while working for Toshiba. The release of the first removable drive was in 1984, using Masuoka's NOR Flash Memory. It was in 1984 when he invented NOR Flash Memory, which is the predecessor to NAND Flash Memory.

The history of flash drives is brief, but here's what we know so far. The birth of the flash drive is credited to Dr. Fujio Masuoka. He invented NOR and NAND Flash Memory while working for Toshiba. The release of the first removable drive was in 1984, using Masuoka's NOR Flash Memory. It was in 1984 when he invented NOR Flash Memory, which is the predecessor to NAND Flash Memory.

U盘发明者几个公司都在争,但是最广泛认同的是Dov Moran的M-Systems公司(现在属于SanDisk)

