My most precious gift is this photo, which was taken by my father in front of the people's Park in my hometown.
That was when I went to Beijing to study. I was seventeen years old.
I like my family, but before I went to Beijing and lived in other cities, I never took a picture with my family.
I study in Beijing without my family.
It's lonely for me to live so far away.
For the past four years, my study life has been spent on this photo, which has helped me overcome the difficulties.
f clothes Mom intended to give away.
"You're not taking that old thing, are you?" Mom said when she saw me packing the yellow shirt, "I wore that when I was pregnant with your brother in 1954!"
"It's just the thing to wear over my clothes during art class, Mom. Thanks!" I slipped it into my suitcase before she could object.
The yellow shirt became a part of my college wardrobe. I loved it. After grduation, I wore the shirt the day I moved into my new apartment and on Saturday mornings when I cleaned.
The next year, I married. When I became pregnant, I wore the yellow shitrt during big-belly days. I missed Mom and the rest of my family, since we were in Colorado5 and they were in Illinois6. But that shirt belped. I smiled, remembering that Mother had worn it
when she was pregnant, 15 years earlier.
That Christmas, mindful of the warm feelings the shirt had given me, I patched one elbow, washed and pressed the shirt, wrapped
it in holiday paper and sent it to Mom.
Whet Mom wrote to thank me for her "real" gifts, she said the yellow shirt was lovely. She never mentioned it again.
.The most pricious gift to me is this photo which was taken by my father before the park of People in my hometown.It was the time o