
2025年03月12日 19:14

  1. 多练习,多做题,弥补自身的不足。虽然“题海”战术不足取,但适当做一些练习,尤其是针对自己不足之处的练习是必不可少的,比如英语完形填空这种难度较大、考查综合能力的题型,平时就应多做一些。

  2. 背诵。在第一轮复习期间一定要背课文,可以是课本上的文章也可以是自己找的好文章。具体的量可以保证在一天两段,目的是理解英语课文,熟悉英语单词的用法,并及时的复习

  3. 高中英语要拿高分,不仅仅是会做好客观题,更重要的是主观题的强悍,而高中英语作文就是关键中的关键。首先就是要写出漂亮的英文字,另外就是要有足够多的高中英语单词词汇量,在学习之余可以听听英语歌,看一些英语原声电影


Dear Ms. Zhang,
It is only seven months for us to get prepared for the National Entrance Examination. As one of the many candidates who are going to participate in the exam, I have several suggestions for your reference. Firstly, I highly suggest that the preparation process should be slowed down. If we prepare the exam in a hurry, then there will be little time left for thinking, which I believe is very important. Secondly, it is also very important that we go through the key points and weak points repeatedly, only by which could we get improved efficiently and prevent from making mistakes easily. In the meantime, a proper instruction is also necessary and should be applied. In addition, I suggest lower the class assignment and homework to an appropriate amount, by which can guarantee the quality and efficiency of the preparation. By the way, please also don't forget to encourage all of us during the preparation. The result always gets better when the students have a strong and healthy motivation.