The
time
flies,
the
happy
life
of
the
junior
middle
school
for
three
years
is
over..
At
this
time
of
the
mood
is
very
complex,
with
the
passing
years
of
attachment
and
the
future
of
the
uncertain
expectations
of
a
loss,
want
to
and
once
together
and
hard
to
work
hard
classmates
one
one
bid
farewell,
in
the
heart.
Of
course,
here
want
to
thank
my
teachers,
it's
their
hard
work.
have
today's
results.
At
the
end
of
may
obtain
the
ideal
high
school
students,
teachers
to
work
smoothly,
have
时光飞逝,初中三年的快乐生活就要结束了。此时的心情很复杂,带着对逝去岁月的眷恋和对未来不确定期望的彷徨,我就要和曾经一起努力拼搏的同窗们一一道别,心里万分不舍。
当然,在这里我要感谢我的老师们,是他们辛勤地付出,才有了我今天的成绩。
最后愿同窗们考取理想高中,老师们工作顺利,桃李满天下。