
2024年11月20日 04:26

愚公:我们家门前的太行王屋两座大山阻挡了我们进出的道路,使得我们每次进进出出都要绕好远的路。我想把这两座大山铲平,开辟出一条道路,一直通到豫州的南部,汉水的南岸,你们觉得怎么样?The two mountains Tai Hang and Wang Wu have always been blockingour paths, causing us to take a longer route when we go out. I want to level these two mountains and builda path through it, all the way to the South of Yu Province, which is at theSouth of the river Han. What do all ofyou think?
一儿子:我早就有这个想法了。I have had this ideain mind a long time ago.
一儿子:我同意。I agree!
一儿子:爹,你就说怎么干吧。Father, we shall do asyou say.
愚公妻:老头子,别怪我泼你冷水。你的这个想法也未免太异想天开了吧。就凭你那一把老骨头,把山上的一根草一棵树都没有办法,又能把太行王屋两座大山怎么样呢?况且,挖出来的土石又往哪里放呢?Dear, I am not trying to discourage you. But your idea seems to far-fetched. With your age and your frail body, evenpulling grass or chopping a tree down would be too taxing for you! How will you even manage to level themountains Tai Hand and Wang Wu! Furthermore, where will you place the rubbles of the mountain after youhave dug a path through?
大家:(纷纷说)把这些土石运到渤海的边上,隐土的北边去。(clamoring all at once) The rubbles can be moved to Bohai, at a reclusive side near theNorth.
愚公妻:你们可要想清楚了,这可不是闹着玩的。是要吃很大的苦头的。Be mindful of your decision, this is not child’s play! You will need a lot of strength for thistask.
大家:我们都已经想好了。做好了准备。We have made up ourminds. We are ready!
愚公妻:既然你们这么说,我也无话可说了。就依你们的吧。If you all have decided, so it shall be. I have nothing more to say. Do as you will!
愚公:那么我们就这样定了。我们明天就开始吧。 (愚公一家干得热火朝天)So it shall be. We willstart tomorrow! (Yu Gong and his family workfervently)
愚公:哟,是智叟兄弟呀!Ohhello! It’s my friend, the Wise Man!
智叟:哟,我说愚公老兄啊,你们这是干什么呢?Hello dear Friend YuGong, what are you doing here?
愚公:挖山。Levelling the mountain.
智叟:挖山干什么呀?What for?
愚公:开路。To make a path.
智叟:(愣了一下,随即哈哈大笑。笑得肚子都疼了。)开什么玩笑?就凭你?这两座大山可是方圆七百里,高万仞!你看你,头发胡子都白了,能挖得了山?你连山上的草木都奈何不了,还挖山?简直就是笑话!想移走大山,简直是痴人说梦。你的这种想法和做法真是太愚蠢了。(the Wise Man is stunned momentarily, but soonhe bursts out laughing loudly) Are youkidding me! You want to level these twomountains with your strength? Thesemountains have a diameter of 700 kilometeres, and are a few thousand meterstall! Look at you; your hair is whileand your bones are weak. How can youeven level the mountains! You cannoteven pick a flower from the mountain, yet you still want to level it? This is a complete joke. There is no way you can level themountains. You are a foolish man to evenattempt this action.
愚公:(停下手中的活,长长地叹了一口气。)智叟啊智叟,人人都说你聪明,可你怎么连这个道理都想不明白呢?我是年纪大了,可是还是有力气的呀。还能做事啊!也许我是看不到山被移走了,可是我的子孙们可以看到啊!即使我死了,还有我的儿子呀,儿子又有儿子,儿子又有孙子,子子孙孙是无穷无尽的啊!而山既不加大,也不增高,还愁什么挖不平呢?(Yu Gong pauses the work in his hands and sighs) Wise Man my brother, everyone lauds you as awise man, yet you do not seem to understand a simple concept. Yes, I am old and frail, but I still have mystrength and wits! Perhaps I will not beable to see the mountains leveled away while I am still alive, but mydescendants can! Even if I die, my son,my grandson, my great grandson will continue to chip away at the mountain bitby bit! The mountain will never growtaller, but out actions will never cease until the mountain is levelled. I will succeed!
智叟:(一脸羞愧)…… (山神手拿着巨蛇,听到了他们的话,心说不好,马上向天上飞去。)(天帝的宫殿。庄严肃穆。)(a face ofconsternation) {the mountain god holds agiant snake in his hand, and as he hears the conversation between the two men,he races to the heavens in desperation and alarm}
山神:启禀天帝,臣有要事禀告。(O’King of Heavens! Your loyal servant hassomething to report)
天帝:你有何要事,快快报来。(What news is so important?)
山神:有一个名叫愚公的老人想移走太行和王屋这两座大山。而且已经在挖了。(There is a man called Yu Gong who wishes tolevel the Tai Hang and Wang Wu mountains. He is already chipping away at the mountains.)
天帝:他为何要移山? Why does he do so?
山神:据说是大山阻挡了他们进出的道路,他们想开辟出一条平坦的道路来。Yu Gong says that the mountains are blocking his path. He wishes to carve path through the mountains!
天帝:(哈哈大笑)一个凡人的力量能移动得了山?休得胡言。(laughing out loud) Amere mortal does not have the power to move the mountains! You are speaking nonsense.
山神:可是他说他的子子孙孙都要继续干这件事,到时候…… But he has said that his descendants will continue to chipaway at the mountains until it is levelled…
天帝:(沉思了一会儿,似自言自语)难得他有如此的眼光与毅力。(thinks solemnly to himself) Bravo indeed of this mortal man, tohave such insight and determination.
山神:怎么办?请天帝明示.What shall I do, O’heavenly king?
天帝:那就成全他吧。夸娥氏何在?We shall helphim. (raises his voice) Where is Kua E?
夸娥氏:臣在!I am here!
天帝:命你的两个儿子把两座大山移走。一座放在朔东,一座放在雍南。Have your sons move the two mountains away. Place one at Su Dong, and the other at YongNan.
夸娥氏:遵命!I hear and obey!
第六场(人们欢呼雀跃。昔日大山阻挡的地方,如今一条平坦的大道延伸到远方。)(the people are cheering joyously. Previously where there were mountainsblocking the path, there is now a wide road that snakes out into the fardistance)
村民们:(又蹦又跳,十分激动)愚公成功了!愚公成功了!(jumping in delight) YuGong has made it! He has succeeded!
智叟:(羞愧地叹息)看来我是老糊涂了。我这个“智叟”该改名叫“愚叟”了。(sighs in embarrassment) It seems that I have made a mistake. Perhaps I should not be called ‘Wise Man’ from now, but rather ‘FoolishMan’
众村民:精诚所至,金石为开呀!Even determination andsincerity can lead one to success!