; 不好意思,上次回答的问题好像也是你提的吧,当时把第4题的答案贴成第3题的了。后来才发现
data segment
errmsg db 0dh,0ah,'Your input number is invalid.',0dh,0ah,'$'
sqmsg db 0dh,0ah,'square number is :$'
inmsg db 'Input your number(0-9):$'
data ends
code segment
assume cs:code, ds:data
; set segment registers:
mov ax, data
mov ds, ax
lea dx,inmsg ;
mov ah,9 ;show inmsg string
int 21h ;
mov ah,1 ;read a number
int 21h ; 21h中断的1子功能
cmp al,'0'
jb err
cmp al,'9'
ja err
and al,0Fh ;ascii -> real value
mov ah,0 ;eg: 字符5的ASCII值是35H,and 0fh之后,变成5,就是我们想要的结果。
mov bl,al ;为al * bl作准备
mul bl ;calculate x*x, 结果放在AX中
mov cx,ax ;save result in ax
lea dx,sqmsg
mov ah,9 ;show information string
int 21h
mov ax,cx
call print ;show result on screen
jmp exit
lea dx,errmsg
mov ah,9 ;show error message
int 21h
jmp rpt
mov ax, 4c00h ; exit to operating system.
int 21h
;print the value in ax with base 10
print proc near
mov bx,10 ; base 10
xor cx,cx ;cx set 0
xor dx,dx
div bx
xor dx,0e30h ;为调用10H中断的0e功能作准备,
push dx ;10H中断,ah=0eh, al=要显示的字符
inc cx ;计数
cmp ax,0 ;商不为0,说明没有除尽
jnz Q0
pop ax
int 10h
loop Q1
print endp
code ends
end start ; set entry point and stop the assembler.