朱莉:Hi, Alex. Welcome to my birthday party!
嗨.艾力克.欢迎来参加我的生日聚会! 艾力克:Hi, happy birthday!Here is a present for you!
嗨.祝你生日快乐!我给你带了一个礼物. 朱莉:Oh, it`s so kind of you! What is it?
哦.你想得真周到!是什么? 艾力克:Why don`t you open and see?
你打开看看不就知道了吗? 朱莉:Wait, let me guess; is it a box of chocolate?
等等.先让我猜猜.是不是一盒巧克力? 艾力克:No. Just open it and you will see.
不是.打开看看吧. 朱莉:Ok. It is a big surprise. A dress! Look at this beautiful dress!
好的.对我来说是个惊喜哦.一件裙子!这件裙子真漂亮! 艾力克:Do you like it?
你喜欢吗? 朱莉:Yes, I love it. Thank you so much. Have a good time here.
是的.我很喜欢.非常感谢你!祝你今晚玩得开心. 艾力克:I`m glad you like it. Is everybody here now?
你喜欢就好.所有人都到齐了吗? 朱莉:Not yet, let`s wait inside.