中文名:周星驰外文名:Stephen Chow别名:星爷、星仔、周星星、阿星国籍:中国民族:汉族出生地:中国香港出生日期:1962年6月22日祖籍:浙江宁波血型:O 型身高:174cm女友:于文凤祖籍:浙江宁波
周星驰(Stephen Chow),1962年6月22日生于香港,祖籍浙江宁波,华语喜剧演员、导演、编剧、监制、制片人、出品人。
2003年当选《时代周刊》“年度风云人物”,并成为“亚洲英雄”的封面人物。2004年《功夫》创下数十个国家和地区的华语电影票房纪录,并被《时代周刊》评为“2005年十大佳片”之一。2013年导演的《西游·降魔篇》破23项华语电影票房纪录,全球票房达2.18亿美元,刷新华语电影全球票房纪录[1-2] 。2014年执导的科幻电影《美人鱼》开拍,预计2016年春节上映[3] 。
Stephen (Stephen Chow), 1962 to June 22, was born in Hong Kong, ancestral home in Ningbo, Zhejiang Province. Chinese comedy actor, director, screenwriter, producer, filmmaker and producer.
1980 became a special TV actor, began his debut. 1988 Chushe film, starring in succession, "God of gamblers", "playing truant Weilong", Shen Si Guan "," Tang Bohu "," boast swims on the west ", self-directed and performed more than the domestic Lingling paint", "God of cookery", the "king of comedy", "Shaolin soccer", "Kung Fu" and other films, 6 degrees broke box office records at the Hong Kong film, and get eight annual Hong Kong film at the box office champion, a broken box office record number and record for the number of annual box office champion.
Elected in 2003 "Time" year ", and become a" influential man "Asian heroes" cover character. 2004's "Kung Fu" a dozens of countries and regions, the Chinese movie box office records, and Time magazine named one of the "2005 top ten logo and slogan". 23 Chinese film box office record breaking in 2013, director of the "journey to the west, drop the article", the worldwide box office of $2.18 billion, refresh the Chinese film the global box office record [1-2]. 2014 directed sci-fi movie "Mermaid" started, is expected in 2016 [3] released spring festival.
In addition to performing arts career, Stephen Chow in 2010 as the company's executive director of the listing Corporation, in January 14, 2013 was elected to the Guangdong provincial CPPCC members [4-5]
周星驰(Stephen Chow),1962年6月22日生于香港,祖籍浙江宁波,华语喜剧演员、导演、编剧、监制、制片人、出品人。
2003年当选《时代周刊》“年度风云人物”,并成为“亚洲英雄”的封面人物。2004年《功夫》创下数十个国家和地区的华语电影票房纪录,并被《时代周刊》评为“2005年十大佳片”之一。2013年导演的《西游·降魔篇》破23项华语电影票房纪录,全球票房达2.18亿美元,刷新华语电影全球票房纪录 。2014年执导的科幻电影《美人鱼》开拍,预计2016年春节上映 。
除演艺事业外,周星驰于2010年出任上市公司比高集团有限公司执行董事,2013年1月14日当选广东省政协委员 。
Stephen (Stephen Chow), 1962 to June 22, was born in Hong Kong, ancestral home in Ningbo, Zhejiang Province. Chinese comedy actor, director, screenwriter, producer, filmmaker and producer.
1980 became a special TV actor, began his debut. 1988 Chushe film, starring in succession, "God of gamblers", "playing truant Weilong", Shen Si Guan "," Tang Bohu "," boast swims on the west ", self-directed and performed more than the domestic Lingling paint", "God of cookery", the "king of comedy", "Shaolin soccer", "Kung Fu" and other films, 6 degrees broke box office records at the Hong Kong film, and get eight annual Hong Kong film at the box office champion, a broken box office record number and record for the number of annual box office champion.
Elected in 2003 "Time" year ", and become a" influential man "Asian heroes" cover character. 2004's "Kung Fu" a dozens of countries and regions, the Chinese movie box office records, and Time magazine named one of the "2005 top ten logo and slogan". 23 Chinese film box office record breaking in 2013, director of the "journey to the west, JiangMo piece", the worldwide box office of $2.18 billion, refresh the Chinese film global box office records. 2014 directed sci-fi movie "Mermaid" started, is expected to release the 2016 spring festival.
In addition to performing arts career, Stephen Chow in 2010 as the company's executive director of the listing Corporation, January 14, 2013 was elected to the