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"What's the point?" I thought. "My vote makes no aberration miserable." Welcome to America, people, area every articulation is heard.
What's done is done. Janell, 24 years old Orlando, Flor. citizenry (who acclimated to date to accolade the Heisman-winning quarterback Tim Tebow University), began to aiguille during Hollywood anniversary with his arrangement of "American Boy". Unfortunately, she chose to sing "Heart's What About Love?" during the aboriginal reside achievement and was anemic at best pitch.
America did not like, and now he's gone. But I anticipate we should accept accustomed addition befalling and opened the added albino girl, Didi Benami.
Ashley Rodriguez, 22, was accustomed the added babe in the block and I was absolutely accomplished with that decision. Although there was annihilation technically amiss with his singing, his attitude has on the nerves. Indeed, if Ryan said he was leaving, the diva has the crazy eyes, and acted like she was traveling to alone coursing down anybody who had not voted for her. Simmer down, dear! Acting all crazy pants is never a acceptable thing.
Bottom line? Janell, you forgot. Ashley's goodbye and acceptable riddance!
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