
2025年03月24日 08:15

如果你有两个以上基于同一个数字(numeric)型变量的条件表达式,那么最好使用一条switch语句。 例如,与其使用下述代码: if (x ==l) printf ("x is equal to one. \n"); else if (x ==2) printf ("x is equal to two. \n"); else if (x = =3) printf ("x is equal to three. \n"); else printf ("x is not equal to one, two, or three. \n"); 不如使用下述代码,它更易于阅读和维护: switch (x) { case 1: printf ("x is equal to one. \n"); break; case 2: printf ("x is equal to two. \n"); break case 3: printf ('x is equal to three. \n"); break; default: printf ("x is not equal to one, two, or three. \n"); break; } 注意:使用switch语句的前提是条件表达式必须基于同一个数字型变量。例如,尽管下述if语句包含两个以上的条件,但该例不能使用switch语句,因为该例基于字符串比较,而不是数字比较: char *name="Lupto"; if(!stricmp(name,"Isaac")) printf("Your name means'Laughter'.\n"); else if(!stricmp(name,"Amy")) printf("Your name means'Beloved'.\n"); else if(!stricmp(name,"Lloyd")) printf("Your name means'Mysterious'.\n"); else printf("I haven't a clue as to what your name means.\n");