
2024-07-26 15:33:42

Title: 《我的大学新生活》 My New College Life

After a long hard battle against the national senior high school leaving examination, I finally obtained victory and entered the school of my dream, ************ University. In the first fews days here, everything appeared new and fresh to me, the school has a totally different learning environment compared to senior high school where everyone was merely immersed in exams everyday, but here in college, students are more relaxed and are able to enjoy the fun of learning rather than being tortured by practice papers everyday. And the best of all, I got to know many new friends here who are willing to show me around and help me to get to used to the new college life. Everything appears really cool and I really enjoyed this new place a lot.

因为是大学,所以语法上变动的多了些,大意为:在经过漫长痛苦的高考战斗后,我终于进入了我梦寐以求漏侍的大学,学校名字*。 刚来的这几天,一切对我来说都很新鲜,这里的学习氛围与高中时的完全不同,高中时我们每天就是预备考试,可这里大家可以轻松地享受学习的乐趣而不是每天被习题折磨。而最棒数搜拆的就是我认识了很多新朋友,他们很乐意带我到处转转,帮我适应新的大学生活。这里的一切都看起来很酷,我真得很喜欢这里薯枣。
