_tmain 就是现在的入口函数啦,返回值默认变成了int,这不重要,返回的就是退出代码了
之所以 多了_t 是因为默认使用了unicode宽字符集, 不像以前那样默认是asc字符集, unicode字符集好处非常明显,在不同语言的系统下不会乱码
,如今写程序也是极力推荐使用unicode的,同时ascII与unicode处理字符窜时所用的函数都不同,多看教程吧,编译设置中有 字符集的设置,想改可以改回来
所以看是看经典类的书籍吧,我也是因为如此,即装了VC6.0 ,又装了2008,主学的是C#了
The Application Wizard has generated the stdafx.h header file as part of the project, and if you take a
look at the code in there, you’ll see there are two further #include directives for standard library header
files stdio.h and tchar.h. The old-style header stdio.h is for standard I/O and was used before the cur-
rent ISO/ANSI standard for C++; this covers the same functionality as the
is a Microsoft-specific header file defining text functions. The idea is that stdafx.h should define a set of
standard system include files for your project—you would add #include directives for any other sys-
temheaders that you need in this file. While you are learning ISO/ANSI C++, you won’t be using either
of the headers that appear in stdafx.h, which is one reason for not using the default file generation
capability provided by the Application Wizard
这一段载自某书,表示在stdafx.h中有tchar也就是宽字符集定义的头文件tchar.h的包含,如果你不需要,则去掉这个包含, 去掉_t
说实在的,初学c语言,写控制台程序用VS2008绝对不是个好主意,编译太慢了,推荐使用MinGW Developer Studio,用的是GCC编译器,小巧方便。
不是的,文件-新建-项目-visual C++\空项目,命个名。然后打开那个项目,视图-解决方案管理器,在项目的“源文件”右键添加-新建项,代码-C++文件,然后再名称输入以.c为扩展名的c文件就可以了