§BEA- 代码分析
Warning: The LogBroadcaster on this server failed to broadcast log messages to the admin server. The Admin server may not be running. Message broadcasts to the admin server will be disabled.
The LogBroadCaster on the managed server could not find a reference to the DomainLogHandler on the admin server. Messages from this server will not be logged in the domain log.
Cause The managed server might not be able to reach the admin server. One of the possible causes could be due to the admin server being shutdown. Action
To fix this problem, inspect the exception stack trace, correct the problem. If the admin server is shutdown, restart it to resume normal log broadcasta to the domain. 错误分析 这是由于在配置服务器端的broadcast ip指向一个不存在的IP引发的,目前系统没有用到广播功能。