
2023-12-17 17:52:27

  一。I am a student in campus and my major is music. It has been three years since i entered this university. Here I get more closer to my dream the music
  since I was in high school I have been preoccupied with the music It provided me many inspirations and passion
  Now I can afford time enjoy many kinds of musics. After class i always play basketball.Except eatting and sleeping I spend most of my time learning the music history and listening every kinds of musics .It includes not only the classic the pop but also the jazz the blues and the hip-hop .When i am listening music my heart is serene ,everything fades away in my mind, only the nature remains.In order to find a job related with music I have many things to do. I will spare no efforts to enhance my music taste and if possible i want to become a musician.
  I am aware that it is not easy job but i like challenge.
  二。I was so excited when i entered the college. For so many years, I worked hard to achieve this dream and finally i made it. Everything seemed fresh and curious to me. I was so pleased that I would enjoy my college life soon.
  when i was in high school, I had to study all the time and hardly had spare time to do what i wanted to.Besides, I had to focus on my textbooks and doing exercise again and again. Therefore, I had little time to read magazines and novels and watch TV. what was worse, I couldn't play with my friends a lot, which I couldn't stand the most. In a word, all i did in high shool should be considered for the College Entrance Examination.
  However, my college life is totally different from the life in high school.I can arrange my time freely. I spend most of my time reading in the library, where I can open my eyes and broaden my mind.In my free time, I also join some clubs,where i can make a lot of friends of different majors. My teachers in college are so kind and knowledgeable that they not only teach us knowledge but also how to be a person and how to get on with others. In addition, there are more opportunities for me to improve myself.
  I believe college life is an important stage in my life. In college, i can learn how to learn by myself, how to get on with others, how to live independently.College provides me with a stage where i can show myself and be myself.




大一课很少,自由支配的时间多得总让人空虚得很。为了打发时间,整个宿舍集体出动,将桂林市的大街小巷摸个遍。六人一行,顾不得路人灼热的目光,肆意谈笑,好不痛快。每逢节假日,便穿梭于各个大小公园,到最后听到公园两字都会怕。大学第一次期考是最让人紧张的,老师上课随意惯了,从不按书出牌,只好找上一届的师兄师姐取经。资料不管有没有用,照样一叠一叠地复印,人手一份。尽管前辈们都已告知考试易过,战战兢兢地背熟了还是止不住的惶恐。最后结果证明了大学考试确实无需太过紧张。就这样,大一结束了。( 散文网:www.sanwen.net )
The swallow, will come back again. The willow will be green again; Peach blossom thanks, have open again. But, clever, you tell me, why our days gone?

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Remember a freshman just entered school, in the face of so strange and friendly faces, I was so shy but feel more warm. College freshmen, it is so foolish young, curious about everything. Acting head teacher at first, surprised unceasingly tunnel: "so young, like you are so two or three years older than me, will be a university teacher, really great! I don't know which course they teach?" Learned later that they and the rest of us are students, is just two years after I. Teach is an introductory course to the university, we should pay attention to what problem, how to let oneself have a more fulfilling university life more rich, also division also friends accompany with us all the way over.

University is just a another starting point of life, who all don't know who in the past. In the past if you good, if you make people love, nobody CARES about. You said the others don't understand. Freshmen are born calf, dare to rush to try anything. The student union, press corps, each student associations, leaflets flying. Interested in try though, not interested in just one side, knowing little about the whole dormitory group go to try, the organization to which the job in the end. Because of the a/h1n1 flu was forced to cancel the military training, let me as excited as the others. Little imagine, it will be a big regret in life. Think of at that time I was so naive.

College is the first lesson, let a person look forward to. Very carefully prepared, a lesson down university teacher was found so vast at random, no longer need to stare at the book, also don't need a handful of notes. The teacher speak knowledge is far more than textbooks printed words. University teachers are mostly very personal, lecture as in chat is better than chat, and seemed to be performing in general vivid and dramatic. But also unavoidably will encounter several very classic teacher, lecture like hypnosis. In spite of this, I also will behave in place, a freshman generally are so well-behaved.

Freshman class rarely, free time always let a person more empty. In order to pass the time, the whole dormitory collective, will the streets of guilin to touch. Six people, the eyes of her passers-by hot and wanton laugh, very not happy. Every holiday, then through the various size park, to finally hear park two words will be afraid. University is the most make people nervous final examination for the first time, the teacher in class used to random, never follow the book out of the card, so we have to find the elder sister. No matter how useless information, so a pile of a pile of copy, a hand. Although elder people have been told that the test is easy, memorize the uncontrolled panic or fear and trembling. The final test results show that the university really need not too nervous. In this way, a freshman is coming to an end. (prose net: www.sanwen.net)

Sophomores have more after the foundation of a freshman sureness, also more smooth. When meet new, looked at the faces and the original same rookie and anticipation of the face, the in the mind is full of delighted with pity. Think that year, that's what I was. As I am old, now in patiently guide for them, enthusiastically help them sorting baggage, careful attention to them. A chat from time to time in one or two "that's what I came to" "it doesn't matter, will slowly accustomed to the" "have the need to come to my dormitory can". At the heard words are from my mouth. Believe that after a year they would blurt out like this.

Steal occasionally lazy, always escape so a two boring course. Second is the most busy, courses, club activities, also all kinds of grade examination also many, often frantic. A week and then two days to rest, not to give the party is occupied by a computer level 2 training courses. Continuous training courses, a sit is one day, not dizzy all difficult! Every day is busy, busy doing exactly what oneself also say not clear. Mandarin dimethyl, four, six levels of English, computer level 1, level 2, and so on all kinds of certificate in hand, just know a sophomore in fact are not. Sophomore so came along.

Is a junior, I had gone to look back at the past one act act as if yesterday so clear. As if just idle moment, but unconsciously for two years. Another batch of new students on the playground, the school road, is full of camouflage in the mobile. Large areas, in the hot sunshine is so dazzling fresh. A higher than a sound training was floating in a large campus. Looked at them was at the end of the sweat clothes, tanning light face, suddenly very is envy, but more is regret. University is a military training are missed, really a pity. Roommates but a face of disdain: "what good unfortunately, have no matter to find that sin by the stem what!" I can only wry smile, look at that piece of camouflage thought: "really hurting?"

Junior is smooth, also lift not everything at the beginning of the novelty and courage. Think of roommates that sentence: "I want to early love, only to find himself already old!" Looking at young face brush every day, suddenly feel really already old. There is no big irritability, impulsively heart after two years of precipitation is safe. Now fewer courses, lectures was not as keen as ever. And feel there is no any skill body with roommates to attend classes to learn computer two-string fiddle, class every day in the dormitory in half an hour. Also blame for roommates are so calm, so for a period of time to put up with each and every day the noise interference.

Junior year is the most regrets, as time has gone, regrets before ignorance. Freshman year is spent in leisure, sophomore year is spent in the busy, junior year is spent in the sigh. The passage of youth is so silent. My college life has had three quarters, the rest of the quarter, I will cherish, cherish the best time of life.


My Campus Life
youth is a beautiful word to our teenagers.youth is the most memorable period of our life.now,i am 20 years old and i am studying in XXX university.i found that the school life is happy and enjoyable.i make lots of friends on school campus,and the teachers in our school are kind and they impart knowledge to us.i study hard at school and try to get good marks in the class,because i want to be a useful person for the society in the future and to fulfill my dreams.Sometimes I prefer to stay alone, reading and listening to the music, but I am not lonely, for I like to chat with my classmates about almost everything.my favourite sports is playing volleyball,i like to play volleyball with my friends.i enjoy the time at school,that will be the most memorable period of my life.




随着春花的一次盛开和一次凋谢,我意识到我已经浑浑噩噩,糊里糊涂的度过了大一的生活,不知不觉走到了大二的路口。——似乎每次开学后都会感到几分悠闲与轻松,无聊的日子逛逛图书馆,正逢大一新生来报到。The friend say: "my university, can have no honor, can be no friendship, can not love, but you can not do without the goal, every day do something close to the target will make me more happy."

As spring flowers once in full bloom and fade, I realized that I have to go, actually passed the life of a freshman, unknowingly walked into the intersection of the two. - it seems like every time will be a few minutes after I started carefree and relaxed, boring day around the library, as a freshman to report for duty.

