民族理论:National Theory
思想道德修养与法律基础:Thought Morals Tutelage and Legal Foundation
政治经济学:Political Economy
高等数学:Advanced Mathematics
国际信贷与结算:International Credit and Settlement
市场预测与管理决策:Market Predicting and Managerial Decision
舞蹈形体:Tibetan Dancing Lessons
中国近现代史纲要:Essentials of Modern History of China
思想道德修养与法律基础Ideological and Moral Cultivation and Basis of Law
政治经济学Political Economics
高等数学Higher Mathematics
国际信贷与结算International Credit and Settlement
市场预测与管理决策Market prediction and administrative decision
舞蹈形体Dancing and Figure
中国近现代史纲要Outline of Chinese Contemporary History
Nation theory
Moral and legal basis
Political Economy
Higher Mathematics
International credit and settlement
Market forecasting and management decision-making
Dance forms
Outline of Modern Chinese History