
谢谢 啊
2025年03月01日 10:52





  关键字: 成绩管理,软件工程,vb6.0


  In will it be information age now, quickening , life of speed, make people more and more to informationize , is it develop to digitize, the management information system (MIS ) is a collection , transmission , system stored , processed , maintained and used that be able to carry on information made up of person , computer ,etc., can replace a large amount of , miscellaneous and done by hand of the past . To a school, How utilize computer change each examination teacher count a large number of student strenuous task at the score? How dispel because time full of mistakes statistics produced closely? Designing student's achievement administrative system is a very good solution. This text, through writing student's achievement administrative system with vb target -oriented programming environment, Utilize the soft project principle, adopt the cycle method of the life to study , design the database form according to the relation mode of 3NF, resolve each systematic function module ring upon ring with module design, design systematic module structure, and according to concrete to demand and function that need realize of system, have defined the concrete function of each module in detail .

  Develop two respects of main development including setting-up and maintenance and front application program of backstage supporter's database , have realized the establishment of student's achievement database and introduction of student's achievement, had a look around, maintaining and counting , is it have the characteristics that powerful , an interface is friendly systematically to make.

  In the course of designing student's achievement administrative system , have got the guidance of king's prosperous teacher, express thanks here. Because one's own level is limited, the weak point is unavoidable in the procedure, please offer a teacher make a comment.

  Key word: The achievement is managed, soft project , vb6.0

  目 录

  第一章 毕业设计正文 .

  1.1 管理信息系统概述和VB介绍

  1.2 方案论证

  1.2.1 实现功能…………………………………………………………………………...

  1.2.2 功能与模块的设计……………………………………………………………… ..

  1.2.3 数据库的设计…………………………………………………………………… ..

  1.3 过程论述

  1.3.1 登陆流程图……………………………………………………………………… ..

  1.3.2 登陆界面流程图………………………………………………………………… ..

  1.3.3 主界面流程图…………………………………………………………………… ..

  1.3.4 学生数据处理流程……………………………………………………………… ..

  1.3.5 课程与成绩处理流程图………………………………………………………… ..

  1.3.5 课程管理………………………………………………………………………… ..

  1.3.5 查询流程图……………………………………………………………………… ..

  1.4 结论和总结

  第二章 致谢

  第三章 附录(计算机程序等内容)

  3.1 数据库连接模块...….……………………………………………………………… ..

  3.2 登陆界面与代码…….…………………………...………………………………… ..

  3.3 主界面与代码……………………………………………………………………… ..

  3.4 用户管理界面与代码……………………………………………………………… ..



  3.7 学生选课源代码…………………………………………………………………… ..

  第四章 参考文献

  我选择了Visual Basic+ADO+ACCESS来开发整个系统。

  1.2.1、 实现功能:

  (1) 能够浏览学生成绩的所有信息

  (2) 能够对学生的信息注册登记管理

  (3) 学生成绩资料的数据库建立和管理

  (4) 能够通过学生的一个信息找到个人成绩的相关信息(例如:知道学生的学号能够找到该学生的所有有关的成绩信息)

  (5) 通过一条信息找到与之匹配的信息(例如:查询同一专业的所有人员)

  (6) 相关人员能对包含学生的成绩信息进行管理(因为学生有关情况不是固定不变的所以一旦学生信息发生改变就要对原有信息进行诸如添加,删除,修改等的操作)

  (7) 多用户数据安全管理,保证各部门的数据安全、完整,对每个使用本系统用户进行权限的设置

  (8) 简易操作,不需要计算机专业人员。

  (9) 学生成绩添加、删除和修改,包括学生的学号、姓名、课程名称、学分、成绩

  (10) 成绩查询,查询条件为学生学号、姓名、课程名称等信息的综合查询,允许管理员模糊查询,查询结果以图表形式列出 学生信息查询,查询条件为学生学号、姓名、身份证号等信息的综合查询,查询结果以图表形式列出

  (11) 用户管理:设置两个级别用户:管理员和普通用户,管理员有权限使用1~5的功能,普通用户只能使用3和4的功能,用户使用本系统之前必须先通过身份认证(用户级别、用户名和密码,密码输入有次数限制,连续三次输入错误密码则锁定该用户)
