如何关闭 Windows Search 索引器

Windows7有个Windows Search 索引器,怎样禁用它?
2024年12月05日 02:44



3,找到“Windows search”并右键点击“属性”打开。



加快或禁用Windows Vista的搜索索引中
The new indexing service built into Windows Vista has been the subject of a lot of complaints, since it seems to kick in at strange times and thrash your hard drive.新的索引服务建立在Windows Vista中一直受到了很多投诉,因为它似乎开始在陌生的时间和鞭打你的硬盘。 So what can we do to speed this up?因此,我们可以做些什么,以加速这一行动?

There's two options: You can either trim down the amount of files that Windows Search is indexing, or you can disable it entirely if you never use the search.有两种选择:您可以削减数额的文件的Windows搜索索引,或者您也可以禁用它完全如果您从未使用搜索。

Trim Down Indexing Locations 削减索引位置

The best way to trim down the amount of processor time the indexing service uses is by trimming down the amount of files being indexed.最好的方式削减数额处理器时间使用索引服务是修剪下来的金额被编入索引的文件。 For instance, if you don't regularly search through your C: drive, there's really no need to be indexing it.例如,如果你不经常查找您的C :盘,但真的没有必要将它的索引。

Personally, I love the search function for Outlook and the Start Menu, but that's the only places I care about indexing.就个人而言,我喜欢的搜索功能可以用于Outlook和开始菜单上,但这是唯一的地方我关心的索引。

Type Indexing into the control panel search or the start menu search box, and you should see an item called Indexing Options.类别索引到控制面板搜索或开始菜单的搜索框,你应该会看到一个项目叫做索引选项。

Here you can see the current list of locations that are being indexed.在这里您可以看到当前的位置清单正在索引。 For instance, I only index the start menu and Outlook.举例来说,我只指数开始菜单和Outlook 。 If you want to modify or remove locations, use the Modify button.如果要修改或删除的位置,使用修改按钮。

All you have to do to remove a location from being indexed is uncheck the box.您需要做的要删除的位置被编入索引是取消勾选。 You might have to click the Show All Locations button to see some of the default locations.您可能必须单击显示所有地点的按钮,看到一些默认位置。

If you wanted to remove the start menu indexing, you'll need to click on Start Menu in the summary list at the bottom, and it'll automatically navigate to the item in the tree.如果您要删除开始菜单上的索引,您需要点击开始菜单中的摘要清单底部,它会自动定位到该项目中的树。

The start menu indexing really doesn't take much processing time though, so I wouldn't bother removing that.开始菜单索引确实没有太多的处理时间,因此我不会消除这一烦恼。

Completely Disable Indexing 完全禁用索引

If you'd prefer to completely disable the indexing service, you can disable it entirely by turning off the service.如果您希望完全禁用索引服务,您可以禁用它完全关闭该服务。

Open up Services through control panel, or by typing services.msc into the start menu search box.打开服务控制面板,或通过键入services.msc到开始菜单的搜索框。 Find "Windows Search" in the list of services and double-click on it to open it.找到“ Windows搜索”列表中的服务,并双击它来打开它。

Change the Startup type of the service to Disabled, and then click the Stop button to stop the service.更改启动类型的服务禁用,然后单击停止按钮来停止该服务。