介绍一下Human Nature

2025年03月22日 01:58


Human Nature是澳大利亚九十年代最成功的流行组合,而且他们的唱片销量比同时期的全球流行组合Backstreet Boys、’N Sync和Boyzone都要多。

当Andrew Tierney、Michael Tierney、Phillip Burton和Toby Allen四个人还在新南威尔士农业中学就读的时候,他们便已于1989年成立了一支名为4Trax的组合。Andrew、Burton和Allen均出演了《福音》和《油脂》,他们三人同岁,Andrew的弟弟Michael比他们要小一些。Mike曾经在学校的唱诗班唱歌,也出演过歌剧。4Trax虽出自悉尼平凡百姓家,却荣获了adult club scene的三项表演大奖。为了使他们的事业进一步发展,四个人将他们的磁带小样寄给各家唱片公司。传说他们在Sony一名主管的办公室里演唱了 “People Get Ready”之后,便当场签约。在他们事业生涯的转折点上,Mike又给这支组合起了个新名字:“Human Nature”,并沿用至今。

CDB、Kulcha等艺人将澳大利亚带入了R&B的时期,但在九十年代里,澳大利亚还没有一支真正意义上的力量能够进军流行组合的圈子。Human Nature则改变了这一切。他们一些原创歌曲被专业作曲家采用;他们优美的和声,也给Sony公司留下了深刻的印象。乐队的首张专辑《Telling Everybody》,获得了四白金销量。它们也见证了在Michael Jackson和Celine Dion的帮助下,Human Nature的世界演出的主要档期得到了保证。到第二张专辑发行时,他们的巡演之旅已经绕地球好几圈了。

Human Nature与制作首张专辑的各国歌曲作者和制作人在悉尼、洛杉矶和伦敦的录音过程已进入倒计时阶段。回到澳大利亚后,他们借助John Farnham的声望与其和声创作了“Every Time You Cry”,并一举夺得了1997年澳大利亚排行榜的冠军。一场《油脂》的戏剧版演出,以及George Martin编导的Beatles作品全明星演唱会,使得Human Nature青春流行组合的形象转变为成人导向的表演类型。

人们猜测Human Nature的第三张专辑风格会发生很大改变,但这张以乐队名字命名的专辑,似乎在强调一个事实,那就是乐队又回归到了最初的风格。在伦敦、斯德哥尔摩和纽约的录音室里,他们与曾制作和创作过Westlife、Billie Piper、Spice Girls、Five、Britney Spears、和Backstreet Boys等艺人作品的音乐家工作,还为前Take That成员Gary Barlow创作过歌曲。Human Nature声明他们乐意成为合作伙伴。


In the style of the boy band vocal bands of the time, Human Nature became Australia's most successful pop group of the '90s and beyond, outselling their international contemporaries Backstreet Boys, 'N Sync, and Boyzone. Andrew Tierney, Michael Tierney, Phillip Burton, and Toby Allen first joined up as the 4Trax in 1989 when they were all still attending a New South Wales agricultural high school. Andrew, Burton, and Allen were all in performances of Godspell and Grease at high school and in the same year level, while Michael, Andrew's younger brother, was a few years behind. Mike used to sing in school choirs and did a performance in an opera. As the 4Trax, the group went from busking in the streets of Sydney to winning three awards for excellence in live performance in the adult club scene. Deciding there was not much more they could accomplish in that area of entertainment, they started to send their demo tapes off to various recording companies. Legend has it they were signed on the spot by Sony after a live performance of "People Get Ready" in the chief executive's office. It was at this point in their career they changed their name to Human Nature, a name thought up by Mike. Australia had seen entries into the R&B vocal era via CDB, Kulcha, and Past to Present, but no serious contender in the '90s trend towards vocalizing pop groups (aka boy bands). Human Nature changed that. As well as the harmony style which impressed Sony, they had some songs of their own which ...


In the style of the boy band vocal bands of the time, Human Nature became Australia's most successful pop group of the '90s and beyond, outselling their international contemporaries Backstreet Boys, 'N Sync, and Boyzone. Andrew Tierney, Michael Tierney, Phillip Burton, and Toby Allen first joined up as the 4Trax in 1989 when they were all still attending a New South Wales agricultural high school. Andrew, Burton, and Allen were all in performances of Godspell and Grease at high school and in the same year level, while Michael, Andrew's younger brother, was a few years behind. Mike used to sing in school choirs and did a performance in an opera. As the 4Trax, the group went from busking in the streets of Sydney to winning three awards for excellence in live performance in the adult club scene. Deciding there was not much more they could accomplish in that area of entertainment, they started to send their demo tapes off to various recording companies. Legend has it they were signed on the spot by Sony after a live performance of "People Get Ready" in the chief executive's office. It was at this point in their career they changed their name to Human Nature, a name thought up by Mike. Australia had seen entries into the R&B vocal era via CDB, Kulcha, and Past to Present, but no serious contender in the '90s trend towards vocalizing pop groups (aka boy bands). Human Nature changed that. As well as the harmony style which impressed Sony, they had some songs of their own which ...
